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Adonis P.O.V

I woke up next to the blonde girl I met earlier on the bar I went to.

I look at the clock that sit besides me on the drawer. 7:30AM it says, I then slow rise up and climb out of her bed into the her bathroom. I see my clothes and hers are scattered across the room on my way there. I take a piss then wash my hands also face and then lean against the sink looking at the big mirror in front of me. My hair has gotten a tad bit longer and I grew some more mustache on me. It's been a month since I talked and saw Ken after that night.

I ruffle my hair in frustration and turn around then place both of my hands on the edge of the sink staring at the walls in front of me. Everytime I try to push him away from my thoughts with hooking up with girls it just makes me crave for him more and more. I close my eyes and the replay of me saying those fucked up things to him appears in my mind. I remember how hurt he gets when I said those things to him and the immediate regret I felt as soon as I said it, after that he punched me straight on my nose making it bleed as I fell down to the ground as I watched him walk away.


I open my eyes push that thought away before going back to this girl room and collecting all my clothes on the floor and putting it back on my body. I grab my leather boots as I see the blond girl waking up from her sleep, her top still naked and exposed to me.

"Morning!", she smiles but I ignore her and just step into my shoes before tying it up. "You're going already?", she whines and I still don't answer her.

"Is your parents home during this time?", I asked her and she shook her head.

"No they're out for business trip. Why don't you cuddle up and stay longer sexy?", she purrs biting her nail trying to be sexy.

"Nah I'm good.", I curtly said scrunching my nose then left her room and make my to my motorcycle which parked in her driveway. I grab my helmet and then roar my engine before driving myself back home. Mom's gonna ask me where I've been and probably gonna ground me to stay at home for a week like usual. But I always went out secretly when she's off to work and come back before she come back home.

I then enter a familiar suburbs area and surely enough I see a beige painted house of Ken across the street. His driveway is empty, that means he's probably back at school since it's now September.

He's probably moved on and forget about me too

I thought in my head as I speed up passing it and continue my journey. I eventually arrived home at 8.45AM and I slowly creep into my front window to see if my mom's home or already went for work and sigh in relief when she's off to work. I put my motorcycle to my garage and then grab the spare key that's hidden under the can of oil and unlock the front door to get inside. I shrug off my jacket and put it on the hanger then make my to my bedroom and grab my towel before stripping off my clothes and take a shower since I haven't showered in that girl's home. I forgot her name to be honest probably I was too drunk to remember.

I wash my body from head to toe and I went over my latest tattoo in the middle of my chest, it's a red butterfly that Ken picked for me. I also picked a trident tattoo for him since he can't decide, he place it near his pelvis though since he didn't want people to notice it right away. I turn off the shower and dried myself then put it on my clothes in my bedroom, I then lay down on the bed while scrolling through my twitter feeling bored.

My phone screen went off and "Trent" name displays on them. I immediately answer the call without the call.

"Hey man what's up?", I greet casually.

"Yo bro ya free right now?", A gruff sounding voice asked me as I hear the sound of toolkits falling in the background. "Noah, damned jackass! Told ya stop being a clown!", I hear him shouted making me chuckle in amusement. "Back to the business, need ya help in my garage. I got this E36 all dandy, just want some manuals on so I tried to convert it but these jackass can't get their work done.", He spat and I hum.

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