Kade's POV

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I laid there with Lily in my arms and it finally felt like everything was falling in place. I couldn't sleep, everything that has happened was going through my mind. The way her lips felt and tasted. How her fingers felt as she ran them over my tattoo. I have been with my share of women, sexually, but not a single one made me feel anything close to what I felt with her. I was so afraid that she would freak out when she found out what I was, but she didn't. She was more worried about me outliving her. She wants to be with me. I pulled her closer to me, she fit so perfectly against me. I didn't expect her to forgive me, let alone want to be with me. She turned in my hold and faced me, nuzzling her head under my chin.

"Don't leave me again." She mumbled in her sleep. I understand her feeling this way, I'll have to show and remind her every day for a while before she believes that I won't. Now that I know that she loves me as much as I have loved her, I will never give her up. I'll have to text dad and let him know the good news, I know he'll be happy. He's always loved her like a daughter, and he even was hoping we would get together. The sun started to peak through the front window. I decided that I would get up in a few minutes and make everyone a big breakfast. I slowly untangled her from me and stood up. She whimpered and turned around. She cuddled up to Lucy. Her whimper was adorable. I went into the kitchen and picked up my phone.

Me: Are you up?

I went and started making coffee. Then I went to pull out everything for breakfast. My phone dinged.

Dad: Yeah. Is everything okay?

Me: It's better than okay. She felt the same for me as I do for her.

Dad: That's great. Did you tell her the truth?

Me: I told her everything. She only freaked out because she thought we couldn't have a family and that she will grow old, and have to let me go.

Dad: Is she going to take time to think about what she wants?

Me: I told her that she should, but she said that she didn't need to. She said that she wants to be with me forever.

Dad: I am so happy for you son. I guess a celebration is in store later?

Me: ?

Dad: Oh, I decided to stop in for a visit. I'll be there by noon. You're at Kelly's right?

Me: Yeah.

Dad: K. I'll see you in a few. But don't tell anyone that I'm coming.

Me: Okay. Later.

I started making breakfast, I was halfway done making the pancakes and bacon when momma walked into the kitchen.

"Oh Kade, you didn't have to make breakfast. Why are you up so early?" She asked as she made a cup of coffee.

"I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd make breakfast for everyone."

"Is anything wrong dear?" She sat at the table.

"No, Lily and I talked about the beloved stuff, and she wants it. I guess I was just too excited to sleep." I heard her chuckle.

"I figured she would. So, how long do I have to wait for grand-babies?" I froze.

"Really mom!" Her voice made my heart skip. "We have a lot of stuff to do and talk about before that happens." She came over to me at the stove, went on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. "Good morning."

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