Delilah's Pov

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We were on our way home and I was silent. I can't believe he said that. I'm so thankful Kade got him to cool down because I don't know what I would do if I wasn't allowed to see him again. Then there was Lucy, I actually looked at her, she looked so sad. She has grown up so much and she is gorgeous just like I thought she would be. Yes, I did catch Noah checking her out but I don't blame him, like I said, she's gorgeous. I still couldn't look at Kade. I was afraid of what I would feel if I did. But I did feel him staring at me a couple of times.

"You okay babe, you're awfully quiet?"

"Yeah, I just want to get home, have a glass of wine and relax."

"Maybe I can help you relax." He put his hand on my bare upper thigh under my skirt. I let him, even when I don't want to. I'll do whatever to keep him happy. He's not very nice when he's not. He's only hit me a couple of times, nothing really serious enough to leave a mark. He's said some fucked up things to me and threw stuff too. Every time we would fight, during make up sex he would always tell me that I belonged to him and how much he loves me.

When we got home I went and got my glass of wine and walked into our bedroom where he was at.

"Baby, you love me right?"

"Of course I love you." I put my glass on the bedside table then sat on him, straddling him. I kissed him softly. "Why do you ask?"

"There's some stuff I've been wanting to try." That's never good. He took my shirt off. "I want to cut you, right here." He pointed to the top of my breast. "And I want to lick the blood off." I looked at him weirdly.

"What are you, a vampire?" I chuckled.

"No, I just want to role-play one. I heard it's really pleasurable." He looked at me and started kissing me. Then I felt the knife cut me and it hurt like a bitch but when he started to suck on it, it felt good. It's weird but I guess I have yet another kink. When he pulled back, he had some blood on his lips and I decided to be sexy, and I licked it off of them. "That's a good girl." He praised. "Look at me princess." I looked at him. "I want a threesome." He deadpanned and my eyes went wide.

"What? Why? Are you bored with me?" I felt like I was going to start crying.

"A little bored, yes. But I also think it would be hot and it would make me very happy." I'm usually very open-minded but I draw the line at sharing. I got off of him.

"No. I'm open to most things but you fucking another woman is a line I won't cross."

"It wouldn't be just me fucking her, I want to watch you bury your face in a pussy and vise versa. Think of it as you keeping me happy."

"No." I grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom to change. I was about to open the bedroom door, he pushed me against it, pulled my hair back; not in the sexy way.

"You will give me what I want. Until you agree, you can sleep in the other room." He pushed my head. "I'm going out." I grabbed my phone and charger then went into the other bedroom. I laid on the bed about to cry. I grabbed my phone and sent a text.

Me: Have fun fucking your whore.

I knew he was going to cheat, I knew the whole reason why he asked about the threesome is so he has an excuse to sleep with other women without me getting pissed. My phone dinged.

Babe: Oh, I will. If you had agreed then I'd be there fucking you.

I started to scream into the pillow. I needed to smoke. I went on the balcony and smoked a bowl. I just wanted to forget for a while. I don't know why I put up with it. Okay, that's a lie. I do it because he loves me and no one else will, they all leave me and he hasn't. My phone dinged beside me.

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