When Skye starts speaking about her past, Melinda turns her head fully to the side, surprised that she is opening up about something like this. It’s the first time she hears any of this.

“When I broke that glass, I was so terrified that you would yell at me or hit me. But, you were so concerned about my wellbeing. To check that I hadn’t hurt myself to badly and made sure my wounds haven’t open up or hurt. It surprised me that someone would do this, and then you let me sleep in your bed, you watching over me to make sure I was alright.”

Seeing Skye smile slightly at the memories that are now returning, Melinda can’t help but to smile, even if the same anger she felt towards the people who would hurt a young girl like that returns too.

“And then you forced Ria to babysit me when you were talking to Fury. I was so scared, seeing you walk away from me, leaving me with someone I didn’t know. She called my name and I got scared, nearly falling of the chair. Ria, with her quick reflexes managed to grab hold of me, and I could see it in her eyes that she realises I didn’t want to be touched. She let go of me once she was sure I wouldn’t fall of the chair, explaining that she was only making sure I was alright… Now that I think about, I guess she was a bit scared that you would be very mad at her if something were to happen o me when she was watching me.”

Skye continues to explain, making Melinda blink a few times. She has heard part of what had happened that day from Maria, what surprises her now more than anything is that Skye is telling her things she is sure the young woman beside her wouldn’t have done when younger.

“She suggested that we should head for the kitchen, she knew where the cookies and ice cream were hidden. She hold out her hand, telling me that it would be faster and I wouldn’t get lost if I hold on to her, but it was all up to me to take it. I remember watching her hand, thinking that you wouldn’t leave me with someone you didn’t trust to keep me safe, so I took her hand. We reached the kitchen, she told me to pick a table as she found what was needed. We eat some cookies in silent when Clint and Tasha showed up.”

Skye growing silent once more, and Melinda guess she is going over the events in her head once more.

“Clint started to complain, quite loudly, that Maria had taken all of his stuff. Saying he was saving it for a special occasion. He didn’t realise I was there, Maria on the other hand tried to make me feel safe, giving Clint a warning. He didn’t see it, but Tash did and I think she elbowed Clint. He realised what was going, starting to call me pipsqueak, and then he started to pull out everything to make a Sunday. Natasha helped out with trying to keep me calm, told me to call Clint bird brain to silent him. He tried to bad talk you, I throw a cookie at his head, Natasha gave me a high five and soon after you returned.”

Skye finished the explanation, and Melinda puts it all to memory, this was part she had not heard about and once she meets Natasha, Clint and Maria once more, there was going to be a few well chosen words and a thank you for doing all they could to make young Skye feel alright around them. This had been the day that the three of them become her babysitters whenever Melinda had to do something else. Having Skye actually trust someone else that wasn’t her, back then that was already a big step forwards.

“And then, then I was moved. Placed to live with Phil.”

Skye’s voice takes on another tone, a tone Melinda can’t fully place. She is quite sure that if things were different between Skye and Phil today, if Phil knows that Skye is Mary, then her tone would be a happy one. She still need to find a way to get Skye to tell him, or to get Phil to realise who she is.

“I was terrified beyond anything, I made sure to keep Mushu with me at all times. I kept close to the walls, making sure he wouldn’t be able to sneak up on me, and I also made sure I had eyes on an exit plan.”

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