Chapter 17

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Four elements...

One spirit...

Two worlds...

"No!" I gasp awake and sit up in bed. I reach to my right for Elsa but I feel she's not there. I turn to look and see she's not in bed. I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand. Out the window, I see small flashes of light like twinkling stars. I look closer and see little symbols on them.

My head hurts like someone just took a hammer to the back of my skull. 

Four elements...

My mind fills with images from my dream of Elsa trapped within her own ice. My body shivers and I feel so cold. I see the castle go dark, in fact, the whole kingdom goes dark. The water stops flowing. I watch as the Arendelle flag is ripped from its pole and lost to the night. The floor shakes and people scream in fear. I gasp and stumble back from the window. 

I turn and throw open our room door before sprinting down the hall looking for Elsa. I throw open some balcony doors and gasp as I see thousand of tiny crystals everywhere. I look over the edge and see Elsa standing over the water on some ice. In the distance, I see a flash of color before the crystals begin to fall from the sky. 

Behind me, I hear Anna gasp. "What's going on?" She asks. Before I can respond the lights go out in the castle as all the fire disappears. My eyes widen. "We gotta go. Now!"

Kristoff and Olaf rub the sleep from their eyes as they wander into the hall wondering what's going on. 

"Get everyone out! Now!" I tell Anna. Kristoff looks much more awake as he helps Anna round up all the castle staff and get them out of the castle. I turn down the halls looking for Elsa. "Elsa!" I shout. I make it out through a back door to the castle as the wind picks up. I stumble out into the street as the wind tosses me around. I look down at my hands and I swore I saw snowflakes but I blink and they're gone.

I rush past a fountain only to see that the water stopped flowing. 

"Earth is next," I whisper. I rush through the streets following the crowd. Up ahead I see Anna leading some people to the safety of the cliffs. 

I hear a familiar voice behind me. I turn and see Elsa ushering people to safety. I try to take a step toward her but the wind pushes me forward as the ground begins to rumble like waves. I nearly trip but a strong wind keeps me on my feet. 

I stumble along with the crowd, getting closer to the cliffs. I look over my shoulder to see the flag of Arendelle, that me and Elsa put up hours before, blow off its pole getting lost in the wind. I shudder and continue on with the crowd. 

Once everyone has reached the cliffs, everything stops, and the night air is filled with an eerie quiet. I look around and spot Elsa among the crowd. "Elsa!" I run to her. 

"y/n!" She throws her hands wide ready for a hug. I launch myself into her arms and hold her tight. "What happened? What did you do? What was that?" I ask when I finally pull away to look her in the eyes. "I think I woke the elements." She says sheepishly. "How?"

Before Elsa can respond Anna comes over and we move away from the crowd to explain to Anna what's been going on. We explain to her that Elsa's been hearing voices. Anna looks confused and worrying plus a little bit of hurt. 

"Wait you've been hearing a voice? And you didn't think to tell me?" Anna asks. 

"I didn't want to worry you," Elsa says. 

"But you told y/n!" Anna points at me.

"That's different," Elsa says.

"How is it different? We made a promise not to shut each other out!" Anna yells. "If you can tell y/n, you can tell me. Just... please tell me what's going on!" Anna begs. 

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