Chapter 16

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Sven rings the bell and Anna begins acting. She growls and stomps seemingly destroying an imaginary village. 

"Um... okay... Um... lion!" Kristoff shouts.

"Grizzly bear!" Olaf says.

"Uh, monster!"

"Mama bear!"

"Angry face?"

"Papa bear!"

"Uh... Olaf, I don't think it's a bear." I whisper before turning to my right. Me and Elsa share a look trying to decipher what Anna is trying to act out. 

"Hans!" Olaf shouts and Anna stops, pointing and nodding that we were on the right track. We all begin shouting the first things that came to our minds when we think of the backstabbing prince.

"Unredeemable monster!" Elsa says.

"Biggest mistake of your life!" Kristoff adds.

"Manipulative backstabber!" I say.

"We didn't even kiss you!" Olaf finishes.

All of the ideas shouted fit him very well, however, the bell rings and Anna sighs. "Villian."

We look amongst ourselves understanding now. "Oh..."

"We all kind of got it." Olaf whispers. I laugh, "You're right about that. Okay Olaf, your turn." I nudge the snowman. Olaf smiles at me before jumping off the couch. "Okay." he walks to the pile of discarded papers. Sven holds out a basket to him. Olaf takes a paper from it and thanks Sven. "So much easier now that I can read." He says. I smile a little at his comment. He reads over the prompts and crumples the paper before tossing it over his shoulder. "Lightning round. Boys against girls." He says with a huge smile. 

"Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready. Go," Kristoff says as he leans forward.

I laugh, "You are goin' down Kris." I say and nudge his shoulder. Kristoff smirks, "Just you wait and see, you may have the numbers but we've got the brainpower." I cross my arms, "Did you just call your best friend, the queen, and your girlfriend stupid?" I ask with a hint of teasing.

Before Kristoff can respond Sven rings the bell and Olaf immediately starts rearranging himself in the shape of various people and items. His carrot nose is on his forehead as he leans down on all fours resembling the shape of a...

"Unicorn." Kristoff shouts and Olaf changes again. Olaf balances on his carrot while the rest of his body is stacked biggest to smallest. Kind of like...

"Ice cream!"

He changes again and I have to bite my tongue to stop from shouting out the answer, but it wouldn't have mattered Kristoff gets it right away anyway.


Olaf rearranges so the biggest part of his body makes up his shoulders and chest. He puts his hands together and turns his nose to the side. That reminded me of someone...


Olaf changes again very rapidly.



Olaf struts in front of us with some sticks in the shape of a braid over his shoulder. He throws his hands wide and appears to be singing a certain song. I giggle a little at the resemblance to my girlfriend. 

Kristoff laughs a bit, "Oh, Elsa!" and the bell rings ending their turn.

I laugh and look at Elsa who nods her head. Anna looks at Kristoff, who's laughing, and crosses her arms. "I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange." Kristoff shrugs. Elsa gets up with the pillow still in her arms. 

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