Chapter 11

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The snow whips around us as Sven races down the mountain. Kristoff holds Anna tightly and puts his hat on her head.

"Just hang in there." He says. "(Y/n) you okay back there?"

"I've been better." I mumble out.

"We're almost there, hang on. Come on buddy, faster." Kristoff says and Sven picks up speed.

"Kristoff, there's no one for me at Arendelle." I mutter.

"There's gotta be someone you can go to."

"She's not in Arendelle any more." I say softly before closing my eyes.

3rd POV

Kristoff realizes what she means and feels back for the girl. Her only hope is back up the mountain yet she instead chooses to have them bring Anna to Hans.

They get closer to Arendelle and Olaf loses control while sliding, heading down a different street.

"I'll meet you guys at the castle!" The snowman shouts.

"Stay out of sight, Olaf!" Kristoff shouts as they rush by.

"I will!" Olaf promises only to be heard seconds later saying hello followed by a woman screaming.

Sven's hooves clack on the frozen brick as he runs through the city towards the castle gate. (Y/n) shivers and holds tighter to Kristoff as the cold seeps into her skin. Her once (h/c) hair fading to white.

While riding on the back of that reindeer (Y/n) thought about her life. She thought about her mother, and the song she would always sing. A soft smile graces her lips as she thinks about all the happy memories she has. However it falls as her mind fills with regret at not telling Elsa about her feelings sooner. 'Now she'll never know.'

Guards at the castle gate see the trio riding towards them. They recognize Anna and shout for the gate to be opened. The gate swings open on half frozen hinges as some servants rush out to help Anna.

Kristoff gets off Sven with Anna in his arms and hands her off to the nearest servant. (Y/n) shifts her weight so she can slide off as well. Her boots hit the bricks and her legs turn to jelly but instead of falling some arms catch her. She looks up to see Kai, her father figure since her mother died.

"Kai." (Y/n) sighs weakly.

"Let's get you warm, M'lady." He says and helps her into the castle. Ahead of them Anna is also being helped into the castle.

"She needs to see Hans." (Y/n) says to Kai.

"Of course."

Anna is led to the room Hans is in and (y/n) is helped into an adjacent room. Kai starts a fire for her and brings warm blankets to her.

"Thank you Kai." The girl says while curling under her blanket.

"Your welcome, (y/n). I will be back with more wood for your fire." Kai says before leaving the room.

(Y/n) hugs the blanket tight around her trying to stop her shivering.

In the room next door Hans rushes to Anna's arms. "Anna! You're so cold."

"Hans you have to kiss me!" Anna says, grabbing his coat.


"Now! Now!" She begs. She needs to help (y/n), she can't bear the thought of losing her best friend.

"Woah. slow down." Hans says.

"We'll give you two some privacy." the head servant, Gerda, says and everyone leaves the room.

"What happened out there?" Hans asks once everyone is gone.

"Elsa struck us with her powers?"

"Us?" Hans asks.

"(Y/n), she was struck too. We have to help her."

Hans hums in thought. "I thought you said she'd never hurt you." He says, referring to Elsa.

"I was wrong. We both were." Anna doubles over in pain and her hair turns more white.

"Anna?" Hans picks up Anna and carries her over to the couch that sits in the center of the room in front of the fireplace. He sets her down as she huddles into the cushions for warmth.

"She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me." Anna explains to Hans what Grand Pabbie told her and (y/n). Again her mind wanders to her friend.

"A true loves kiss." Hans says in realization. Anna smiles softly as Hans places his hand on her cheek and strokes it. He leaves his fingers under her chin and leans down to kiss her. He stops just centimeters from her face.

"Oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you."

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