Part Twenty Five - "that's not all"

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[A/N: a little faster with an update for you all!
HAPPY SWAT DAY! It's also Lina's directed ep, so excited, can't wait to watch!!
Enjoy 🔥
- Kate 💜 ]

(Chris POV)

I pushed my way through the locker room door and found Street and Tan both dressed in their uniforms.

Street's gaze met mine, but I couldn't seem to hold it. The hand running nervously through my hair, dropped to my side as a worried expression overtook Street's face.

"Hey", he offered, and stepped back from his locker as he closed the door.

I kept my own expression neutral, and walked forward to stand in front of Street. My head pounding from the information I received in my meeting with Hicks. I needed to talk to him, but it needed to be alone.

"I got you a coffee", he said, trying not to pressure me into telling him what was wrong, and leant down to pick it up from the bench beside us.

"Thank you, I really needed thi-", I started to say when Street leant forward to hand the coffee cup to me, planting a quick, innocent kiss on my lips then moving himself backward.

"Street!", I told him off, looking between him and Tan where he stood behind us .

He shook his head, "what? Tan already knows, remember?", he followed with a chuckle.

Tan, who was facing the both us, shook his shoulders with a shudder, "I'm never gonna get used to that".

I rolled my eyes at the both of them, turning back to Street, "that's not the point, we're at work, it's forbidden", I argued, my tone seemed to resonate more on the agitated side.

I was starting to work myself up, and both Street and Tan must have noticed as Street leant back against his locker assessing my new found anxiety, while Tan walked toward the door and told us he 'would meet us in the comms room for briefing".

I took a sip of my coffee as the locker room turned quiet, although my thoughts were nothing but.

"You okay to tell me what's going on, now?", Street asked, his head tilted in an endearing manner. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my mind all over the place.

"I will, just promise not to say any of this to anyone, okay?".

I was met with Street's worried face again as I opened my eyes.

"The meeting....", I started to say, then dropped my gaze to the floor as my breath caught in my throat.

Street pushed his boot across the floor to meet mine with a quick tap, bringing my attention back up to him, where his curious eyes silently asked me to continue.

I parted my lips to answer, pausing for a moment before the events all came rambling out.

"Hicks' had talked with the Brass about reinstating Hondo to 20-David, because he believes he was unfairly punished for exposing the system like he did. Sanchez is heading back to work the Mayor's detail so the spot will be opened up."

Street nodded as he listened, "okay...that's great that Hondo is getting to lead the team again, but...why did Hicks tell you and why has it got you all worked up?".

I sighed and pursed my lips as the tension worked it's way to the surface.

"That's not all he told me..", I said to him taking another deep breath.

"Apparently, Hicks is going to be stepping down as Commander to take an overdue service leave..and he told me that Luca will be taking his position", I surprised Street.

His eyebrows rose at the news and he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

After a few moments processing what I had told him, Street finally spoke.

"That's...incredible, Luca's going to be running SWAT?", he questioned, followed with a small, disbelieving laugh.

I nodded in response, a smile taking over my face seeing how proud Street was of his friend. It was exactly how I had felt when Hicks told me what was going to happen.

But the next part was what had my anxiety chewing away at my insides.

The change with Hondo, Hicks and Luca I could handle.

The next round of news, affected me personally.

I've never been a fan of change so sudden, no prior planning and assessing every detail. There always seemed to be complications at every turn that I could predict would eventually impact my work...and my work, was everything to me.

I was brought back from my mind running in circles as Street called my name.

"Chris, hey you still with me?", his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have a feeling there is still more you have to tell me?", he questioned.

I brought my bottom lip between my teeth in anxiousness, and sat my coffee down on the bench behind me and stood back up.

"Yeah, uh.... Hicks also told me that because Luca is stepping into his position, SWAT Academy will be in need of a new trainer and assessor...and apparently Luca highly recommended me", I told Street, my words rushing out.

Street was processing again and was quiet, still leaning back against his locker door, but I couldn't blame him, I had done the exact same thing in Hicks' office fifteen minutes ago.

He parted his lips and a genuine smile formed on his lips, "'re going to be in charge of the Academy?", he asked, his eyes lit up with pride.

I shook my head, "I haven't made a decision yet...and with all the new procedures and training I had approached them with when I got back from Germany", I sighed and paused, "they want me to run it full time, especially now that I have all my T-LI certifications".

I searched Street's face for his reaction at what I had just confessed. What running the Academy full time actually meant.

"Full time, huh?", he contemplated his eyebrows raised again, his gaze finally averted mine in contemplation.

Street brought his eyes back to mine and heaved a sigh, "So..if you take the position, that would mean you'd be leaving 20-Squad, right?".

The change that was hanging over my head, causing my head to feel heavy with the pressure, my chest drowning from the weight of all that could go wrong, all that could go right, could I do this? Could I leave 20-Squad behind and all that I had built with them?

Street now knowing what was causing my head to spin, leant forward to grab my hand, once again not caring about where we were, squeezing it gently in his.

"How long has Hicks given you to think about it?", he asked.

I cleared my throat, "he has given me until tomorrow afternoon to decide, and if I want it, they'll announce my new position to everyone at the SWAT recruits presentation in three days time".

Street observed me for a moment, knowing how my brain must be in overdrive over this.

"I know how nerve wracking this must feel, making a big change like this...but I just want you to know that you deserve this, Chris, and this opportunity could be the pathway you need to make real change here", he spoke softly, still gently squeezing my hand within his.

"But whatever decision you make, I'll be here no matter what", he finally added.

A small smile graced my face at his unwavering support, my chest burned with a similar heat that rose on my cheeks.

Then the anxiousness returned as the weight of my decision crept its way back in.

I dropped Street's hand, remembering where we were and nodded my head towards the door, "We'll have to finish this later, it's time to get to work".

[Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Don't forget to vote and comment 🔥
- Kate 💜 ]

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