Part Two - Act Normal

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(Here's part two! Not as long as part one but Enjoy 😉 )

Chris' POV:

I gave everything to him in that kiss, everything I had been waiting to give, to tell, to show, the entire summer, missing him.

A few moments passed and as our lips parted, Street's forehead rested gently against my own.

"I have really missed you", Street told me, his eyes still closed, relished in the moment.

All I could do was gaze at him, relieved that I could see him again, my heart still beating a mile a minute.

"I was really worried about you", I responded, and Street's eyes flickered open.

"I'm fine now, Chris", Street said, bringing his hand over to caress my face, his touch, its crazy to think for a whole three months that's all I could think about. Jim Street.
That idiot, daredevil, best friend of mine.

I sighed and grabbed his hand to pull it away from my face, "I better get out there, or Luca will find me in here", I said, then sat up and dragged myself to the edge of the bed.

I felt his hand slowly lose grip of my own, I turned around to face him as I left the bed and questioned Street, "I'll see you out there soon?".

Street snuggled back into his duvet and pillow and smiled with his eyes closed again, "five more minutes?", he asked.

All I could do was shake my head and grin. Typical Street.

I left Street wrapped in his duvet and slipped back out of the bedroom door, and found the same position I had been laying in when Luca left before.

I could not wipe that silly grin from my face.

A few moments later Luca emerged from his room and came to walk through the living room to the kitchen, "Hey, you want a coffee, Chris?", he asked.

"Yes please, I am dying over here", I exaggerated, "feeling better, now?", I ask Luca.

"Yeah, I'm a little more relaxed now, will probably hit the sack in an hour or so once Street has woken up and I've given you a lift home", Luca responds, preparing the coffee.

I could still feel the weight of the trip home, pulling me down and it probably wouldn't be much longer until I would crash either.

I heard the handle of the bedroom door as it twisted and then the creak of the door hinges and my stomach lit up with butterflies once again.

Okay. Act normal.
Like a concerned friend. Just teammates.

I sat up from my position on the couch to greet Street.

Street laughed, "Well, would you look at who finally decided to visit!...."

Let me know what you all think!
Thanks! - Kate ☺️

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