Part Nine - Missing: Hondo and Street

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Hello everyone! Thanks so much to all of you who are still reading , I never thought it would have this many reads already!!! I had a couple big assignments due this week so this chapter is a little later than normal.
I believe this fanfic will centre more around Chris and Street's relationship and their scenes so I may sometimes talk about the ops and the other team mates but I won't write heavily about them! This chapter I tried to add some more backstory of the job side as Hondo stepping down is obviously going to have a major affect on the whole team in season 5, but this will probably be the most I write about it! Thanks 😊 💜

(Chris POV)

At Hicks' briefing, we were told that Hondo had stepped down as 20-squad leader and had taken some leave for the last few months and was due to return within the next week to make a decision about remaining on the team.

We all knew, without Hicks mentioning it, that this all happened because of Hondo going to the press about the L.A.P.D, which we all agree needed to be done so that real change would occur.

And change did happen, yes, the racist cops were removed, but we also had our team leader taken away.

Hondo did the right thing. He didn't deserve this.

Although it might have outed some of the L.A.P.D's not so stellar decisions, it needed to be said.

Hicks also told us that Deac would be leading our team for today's shift.

All of our eyes then turned to Deacon.

Deacon chimed in with "only on a temporary basis, until they make a final decision next week".

Our shift went on begrudgingly, we tracked down a heavily armed meth lab on the outskirts of the city.

Our day that turned into night was spread out all over L.A, our leads were constantly on the move, always one step ahead until our last possible suspect in our custody ratted out his boss' next planned stop.

The first shift back felt off.

Our team was missing Hondo and Street and we had two of Rocker's backups filling in.

We were all unsure how to approach the Hondo situation.

It was eleven PM, before I was able to change back into my civvies to head home.

On the walk out to the parking lot, Tan filled Luca and I in on his and Bonnie's honeymoon and how they'd settled into married life together.

"Our resort was incredible, I've never felt more relaxed in my life!", Tan told us, "and Bonnie and I have never been happier, even with all the hiccups along the way and the ten times our wedding was postponed", he laughed.

"At least we can still celebrate at your wedding reception! I'm definitely getting my party on that night. I'm happy for you, man", Luca added and shook Tan's hand.

"Thanks, man. Yeah, Bonnie and I have planned to have it in three weeks time just as the cooler weather begins to hit so make sure you RSVP!", Tan said and looked toward me.

"Chris, you bringing a plus one? I asked as I can only afford to cater for just one extra place per person", Tan chuckled, nudging my shoulder.

I give him my best unamused face, "Ha Ha, very funny" I remark, "and no, no plus one", I added, and looked down at my shoes then back to them.

"No problems, we can still have lots of fun!" Luca said and grabbed his keys from his pocket, "alright I better head home, first day back has taken it out of me".

I nodded and started backing up toward my jeep, "yep, same here, I'll catch you guys tomorrow".

Once I was in my car, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sat it in my lap.

I stared out of the front windscreen, my mind contemplated whether to head straight home or message Street and talk to him, after the way I acted this morning I felt I should let him know how the Hondo situation is affecting me...and us.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Street.

Only got his voicemail.

Maybe he's already asleep? I mean it is almost midnight.

I hang up the call before I hear the beep to leave a message.

I send a text instead that said:

"Hey, call me when you can, I need to talk to you x"

I don't actually know what I'm going to say to Street, but normally when he's around he can help me figure it out.

Thanks for reading, next chapter will mostly just be Chris and Street scene!

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