Part Ten - "About this morning..."

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A/N: hello everyone! This chapter is a little delayed but only cause work and school constantly get in the way but good news...SWAT S5 premieres in less than a month, that time has flown!!! The idea of this fic was just to fill our time in until S5 started so I'm not sure if I'll continue once the show starts back, but let me know if I should continue (THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER!!)
(Chris POV)

I had been about to pull into my complex when my phone started to ring, but I just missed getting to answer it as I had finished putting my Jeep in park.

Grabbing my backpack out, I checked my phone to see it had been Street who called me back, so I immediately re-dialled.

It took two rings on the walk up to my apartment for Street to answer.

"Uh, hey, is everything alright?", Street asked.

He sounded hesitant to ask. I hope he isn't mad at me for this morning before shift, I would really like a chance to explain myself.

"Hi.. yeah, I just called to see what you were doing", I said, and tried to add a playful tone to my words, and unlocked my apartment door.

Street gave a small chuckle, "ah, well I just jumped out of the shower, did you just finish shift?", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm home now and I really needed to talk to you" I said, nervously and placed my bag down on the floor and my keys onto the table.

He paused for a few seconds and asked, "do you..want me to come over there?".

I had stopped moving and was just staring into space and tried to quickly weigh up my options. Talking to him through the phone just didn't feel right with such a serious topic but I also didn't trust myself if he were to come in person.

It is already late into the night....I really did want him to come over though.

A nervous smile came across my face and I answered, "yes please".

I could hear Street blow out a breath on the other end.

"Be there in 15 minutes" he signed off.

Okay, now I was nervous. I quickly eyed my living room to make sure it was tidy.

What am I doing?
Street had been here plenty of times before, why was I acting like I needed to make a good first impression.

I headed into my bedroom to change out of my work civvies and into something comfortable, which for me was always my old SWAT training tank and sweats.

I entered the living room again and took a seat on the couch and turned the tv onto one of L.A's late night news stations.

The news reporter was interviewing a man about homelessness in L.A.

I tried to focus my attention onto the news report but could only keep dragging my mind back to who was about to knock on my door.

And what do you know, there was the knock.

It made me jump slightly, my mind jumbled in all the possible outcomes of this talk.

I practically ran to the door from the couch. I pulled the door open, and leant my shoulder against it. Street was standing there, one hand placed on the door frame and the other placed in his jeans pocket.

Street gave me a small smile when he lifted his eyes to meet mine.

He seemed like he was okay, but still felt closed off more than normal.

"Hey", Street said, his smile faltered. Maybe he could see how nervous I was.

I stepped back from the door to make room for Street to enter. "Hey" I managed back, as he made his way past me into the living room.

I closed the door and walked to meet him near the couch, I placed my hand on his upper arm so he would face toward me.

"About this morning..." I started once I could see his face again.
I could see from his eyes, he looked worried about what I was going to say next.

"You've changed your mind?" Street questioned and cut me off, his face was now sullen, he backed up slightly.

Street thought I didn't want us anymore.

That was the exact opposite.

"Street, god no, hey" I tried to comfort him and pulled him closer to me by his shirt.

"Look, I know I acted weird when we saw each other at HQ but after our call yesterday when you told me about Hondo, it started weighing on me about how out of sorts our team was going to be feeling...and well, I just didn't want any signs of us putting more pressure on the team", I rambled to Street, his eyes watched me intently.

Street nodded in understanding and replied, "but we didn't do anything out of the ordinary, we just hugged, Chris, which is expected as I hadn't seen you or Luca for three months".

I sighed in return, "I know, but you know how much I overthink things and then I just get anxious, and you know its different now".

"I can help you with that, you can tell me anything, remember, i talk too much and you don't talk enough- perfect fit", Street reminded and smiled down at me.

I reached up and grabbed his face, placed my lips on his, I felt his mouth move as his smile grew bigger. That feeling hit my chest and I was lost in him again, his lips now moved against my own, the need to be closer to him than I already was, was eating away at my thoughts.

But I pulled away and slid my hands down his chest. 

As I looked at Street's face his dimples had popped out as he said, "now, that, is what I really wanted to give you this morning".

I laughed, my worries at bay for the moment, "well, that definitely would have turned heads".

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