Part Twenty-Three: "You ready?"

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[A/N: hey everybody, finally here's a new chapter. Life has been hectic lately but I finally got this one finished for you all! Only a week left on this long SWAT S5 break for the remainder of the season to air!
Enjoy this new chapter!
- Kate 🔥 ]

(Chris POV)

After finally texting Tan my reply, I gathered everything I needed for work and turned to Street.

He stood by the front door of my apartment, bike key in hand, holding one strap of his backpack, "you ready?", he asked as I moved closer to him.

Once in front of him, I leant forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

I pulled back, my eyes closed revelling in the moment.

Street let go of his strap and reached out for my cheek, my eyes fluttered open at his touch, his thumb softly caressed my cheek.

We both didn't want to face this, but it was time.

I sighed deeply and answered, "lets go".

Street left first, giving himself a head start. We had the feeling that Tan was onto us, it probably wouldn't have mattered had we turned up together.

Reaching the small diner, conveniently located only ten minutes from HQ, I slowly climbed out of my Jeep.

Street and Tan stood by the entrance, Tan had immediately made eye contact with me as I approached the two.

"Morning, Chris", Tan said, as he nodded his chin toward me.

I gave Tan a tight lipped smile and greeted him, as we entered the diner, my eyes met Street's as I passed by him, his arm held the door open.

Street took a deep breath, following Tan and I to the nearest available booth.

As Tan took his seat, in the middle of one side of the booth, I drew my eyes to the opposite side and realised he was going to make Street and I sit across from him, together.

"How's Bonnie doing? I remember you said the other day she had come down with something?", I asked him as I fiddled with a coaster placed on the table, hoping to ease the awkwardness that seeming to be building.

Tan's eyebrows raised slightly, "Yeah, she's feeling better....", he answered but grew quiet for a moment, as he flipped through a laminated menu.

"That's good", Street interjected noticing the silence and cleared his throat. 

I could feel his knee resting against my own, my own knee had a slight bounce from the nerves.

I turned my head toward Street to find him watching Tan with a curious gaze.

Tan's voice brought my eyes back to him, "Speaking of Bonnie, you know... she said something to me a little while ago, that..uh..really made me think about some things".

I nodded my head and swallowed the small lump in my throat.

"Oh yeah? Is everything okay?", I tried to question him with calmed composure. My knee still bounced below the table.

Tan smirked and looked between Street and I.

"I don't know, maybe you two could tell me?", Tan questioned, his smirk disappeared.

My knee paused, but my heart thumped even louder in my chest.

He definitely knows.

Street must have noticed that I had frozen beside him, as he placed his hand on top of my thigh under the table, to remind me he was still there.

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