Part Nineteen - "More trouble than good"

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A/N: hey everyone,
We've made it through week one of the SWAT S5 mini hiatus and we've got two more weeks to go until 5x07!
Enjoy this chapter!
- Kate 💜

(Chris POV)
As I collected my backpack from my locker and closed the door, I stumbled across Tan and Street stood in the hallway, as I exited the locker room, huddled in a quiet discussion.

"It would be a well earned break", I caught the end of Tan's words as they realised I'd stepped out to meet them.

"What would be?", I questioned as I eyed Street and then Tan, my nerves ran high from Tan's comments earlier today and now here he was with both of us, without me having had the chance to warn Street about his questioning.

We all began to make our way down the corridor to reach the motor pool, Tan's eyebrows raised, "oh just talking vacation destinations, time off that doesn't involve being bed-ridden", Tan suggested, as he walked between Street and I.

I grabbed my bag straps against my shoulders and braced the questioning bound to come from Tan.

"Right." I concluded, with a tight smile and nodded my head.

Here we go.

My eyes had stayed focused on the corridor ahead of me.

Street cleared his throat, "I uh, don't think now is the right time to be gone again", he turned his head to look at Tan and Chris.

"Just think about it, could be good for you", Tan added and shrugged his shoulders.

Street chuckled at Tan's words, "Now I could be hearing this wrong, but it sounds like Tan is trying to get rid of me", he joked and leant in front of Tan as he told me.

My eyes met Street's and I laughed, Street's features lit in amusement.

Tan looked from Street, a mischievous grin on his face, then to me before he made his next comment.

"You know that's not what's up, I just think he needs time to clear his head, get himself on track and away from those dating apps again, I know I saw him swiping earlier today...he's fallen back into the trap" Tan stated, shaking his head and watching my face.

I began to joke along with him but as my brain registered what Tan had said, my smile faltered and I attempted to cool my features when I looked back to Street but I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

Hearing Tan's words, Street looked straight past Tan to meet my eyes, his face screwed up about to retort, but I moved my head at the last second and regained my focus on the corridor in front of me.

From mine and Tan's earlier conversation, I thought he knew more than he lead on about Street and I and was trying to ease the truth out of me, but now, I wasn't so sure.

My hands dropped from the straps of my bag, the heavy pressure at the pit of my stomach rose up to my chest. I swallowed hard.

Tan must be joking....wasn't he? Was he trying to get under my skin or was he being serious? Street wouldn't do that to me? Especially after the last few days we'd had together.

"I think you were seeing things, Tan. I've been fine and no way am I on the apps again, they bring more trouble than good", Street countered from the other side of the corridor.

I hadn't dared to look up at him again.

"Yeah, I bet. I know what I saw, and we gotta find you someone that's not just for one night", Tan said and bumped his shoulder with Street's.

Street shook his head and looked down, "man, you sounded just like Annie at the wedding", he laughed.

My mind was still reeling and I no longer felt like being part of this conversation.

We'd reached the last door to the motor pool and I'd announced my exit, "I'll see you guys tomorrow", and turned toward my Jeep without a look back in their direction.

I needed to get out of there.


Tan and Street stood at the exit of HQ in the open motor pool and watched on as Chris hurried to her vehicle.

Street felt his heart rate had picked up at her retreating figure, the only thing that was running through his mind - Chris heard Tan say he had been active on a dating app that morning.

Why would Tan say that? He knew Street hadn't used that crap in months.

But Tan also wouldn't know that it would affect Chris by saying something like that. Or did he?

As Chris climbed into her Jeep and slammed the door, Tan turned back toward Street and asked, "what's going on with her?".

Street looked between where Chris was now leaving and Tan standing next to him and then down to his shoes, "I don't know man, look I'm gonna head home too", he stated, as he attempted to stay calm in the moment but even he could tell his voice had come out panicked in a hurry to leave.

He had to go and find Chris and explain. He could tell she was upset and he knew how much she tended to over think when she got into her own head.

What made it even worse is that she was fed a lie, that she might have believed. Street hoped she hadn't.

"See you, man", Street said and quickly mounted his bike.

Tan then walked to his own car, opened the door and sat down inside behind the wheel.

Thinking over what he had seen in Chris and Street's faces as he dropped the bait into their conversation, Tan now knew there was definitely something going on between the two.

When he saw Chris' face drop at the mention of Street possibly talking to or seeing other women, and Street almost panic to defend himself. Normally, Chris was always up for helping Tan make fun of Street's love life , but she just shut down at the mention of it.

Tan always knew they were close, but had something changed in the last couple of months while everyone was away?

Tan had seen the way their friendship developed over the last four years. He remembered Street being interested in Chris from the beginning but knew Chris wouldn't allow anything to happen while they worked together. They became best friends instead.

Anyone could see the underlying love they had for each other that crossed a line none of the rest of the team had ever reached. I don't think Chris and Street ever realised how obvious it was.

I think the team had been more surprised that nothing had ever happened between the two.

Tan was happy for them if they were happy, their bond was strong and unwavering, but he couldn't help but also feel annoyed that they would do this behind the teams back. If what he thought was true, then they could jeopardise the whole team dynamic and possibly get in trouble if they get caught. This couldn't end well and they needed to tell everyone.

Tan turned the key in the ignition and drove through the exit, his mind made the decision to sit down with the both of them and discuss this, all cards on the table.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Tan is definitely onto them now, let's see how he will bring it up to them and to see how Street ends up finding Chris.

Don't forget to vote and comment! 💜
- Kate 😘

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