Chapter 15: Together

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"You and my father are linked now. How that will evolve, I do not know. Will your goodness affect him? Or will his darkness shadow you?" (William, Joyce. Jack Frost: The End Becomes The Beginning. Atheneum Books, 2018.)


Pitch walked through Mother Nature's Empire, Seraphina's hands covering his eyes. He walked slowly and sort of had his hands in front of him in case anything went wrong. "Where are you taking me?" Pitch asked.

"Are you scared?" His daughters taunted. Seraphina looked down at Sandman who was to her left. She giggled while Sandman smiled showing his teeth. "No one that fear will only make the surprise most...well, surprising!" Seraphina took one of her hands and threw it into the air to add movement to her words, but in doing so she left one of Pitch's eyes uncovered. Luckily, Sandman reacted quickly and blocked or with his own.

"Hey!" Pitch yelled in a joking manner.

"Oops." Seraphina quickly put her hand back in front of his eye and Sandman retreated to her spot next to Seraphina.

They continued to walk through the wooden building and no more mishaps occurred. Pitch knew that his daughter's house was big, but he didn't know that was this big. He was starting to think that a sixteen-year-old shouldn't have a house, but his thoughts were interrupted by Seraphina. "We're here." She removed both of her hands and Sandman didn't have anything to do about it so Pitch opened his eyes.

"Oh my." Before he was a new addition to the empire. In the middle was a bed as black as night with a matching blanket and pillows. To the side, there was a window sill of sorts. It also had black pillows and already had a book laying there. It reminded Pitch of his daughter's old room, the one before her mother died, the one before he became the Nightmare King, the night when he made that promise.

"So..." Seraphina had her hands behind her back, her legs were crossed, and he head was titled downwards. Her eyes were staring at him though. "Do you like it?"

Pitch ran up to his daughter and gave her the tightest hug, just like the hug she gave him a few days ago. She spun her around, lifting her off the ground like she was a child once again. "Of course I love it!" he sang.

Once Seraphina was back on the wooden floor she said, "I'm glad you like it. Sandy and I made it for you." Sandman joined in the hug making them all filled warm inside.

Fear can be a lot of things. It can be a long wait for a roller cast and hearing the cart thrash above you as you wait. It can be a jump scare filled with fun in a haunted house with your friends. It can be you checking twice before crossing the road so you don't get run over by a car.

But Fear can also be a cure for hiccups.

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