Chapter 4: Help

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"I will neither hinder nor help you" (Joyce, William. The Sandman and the War of Dreams. Atheneum Books, 2013.)


Pitch turned around, raising eyebrows on his face. "So he talks," he said with a jeer. "Let me get this straight, you came down here, willingly, not to spy on me or anything, but because you want me to cure your case of hiccups?" Sandman nodded his head slowly, but he stopped when Pitch's laugh ricocheted off the cave walls. He was moving him. So much for thinking for the best. "That is absolutely the stupidest reason why you would come to me. Not only are you asking for my help, but a simple case of hiccups?" Pitch practically laughed in Sandman's face. The golden man frowned and glared in exasperation. He probably would have left if you could.

Since the guardian of dreams refused to talk, Sandman took both of his hands which wore in fists minus the pointer finger which was extended, and pointed them to Pitch to his chest. He used sign language and signed for Pitch to come to him.

Pitch understood this and obeyed the command.

Sandman made a dreamline like the ones he uses for children. By seeing this Pitch took a step back as if he was scared of Sandman using his power on him. Sandman didn't laugh at Pitch for this, but he noticed it nonetheless. The dreamline circled the cage that Sandman was stuck in because it could not escape. Sandman waited until another hiccup escaped his mouth and the line snapped in half like someone snapping a single raw spaghetti.

Pitch raised his eyebrows because of amazement and the gaining of knowledge. "I see," he mumbled to himself. "So you cannot work because of your hiccups." He smiled. "Good to know."

"You must have a good offer if you are willing to go to me for help," Pitch said. "Spit it out, or I guess I should say dreamsand it out, for me."

Sandman thought for a bit trying to figure out how to display his proposal in pictures. He created a dreamsand version of Pitch. The normally dark and foreboding figure now emits a soft glow from the material he was formed from. Sandman then created the onomatopoeia of hiccups which was 'Hicc' and that came from around his mouth. The dreams and version of Pitch morphed itself into a monster sous creature. It had a huge mouth with its sharp, pointy teeth sticking out. It made a silent roar which made the golden words pop like a bubble.

Sandman made the monster disappear and looked at Pitch to see if he had communicated what Pitch would help him with this little contract they were making almost themselves.

"If that's all you're giving then I'll have to say no," Pitch said. That was his way of saying to get on with it and that he understood.

Sandman nodded. He thought of what he could give in return for Pitch helping him. If he didn't get the man to help him then children's dreams were at stake. An idea popped into his head which in turn made a light bulb pop on top of his head.

Sandman created just one thing. A locket. This might have been the wrong decision looking back on it, but Sandman was the oldest guardian and thus the one closest to the children of the world. He had to see it all. All the bad things that can happen to children and how that even affects them in their adult life. The Tooth Fairy might have some of their memories, but Sandman had their dreams and that was worth much more in his opinion. You could change someone's whole life with their dreams.

Pitch looked at the locket which was in Sandman's hands. He stepped back in surprise and shock. It was a locket that he used to carry wherever he went. He knew what it represented. It was his daughter. Sandman had just promised to show him Emily Jane for curing his hiccups.

This was serious.


Shalom, Seedlings!

Today's question is: How do you think this story is going to progress/end? Basically, write your predictions for the story.

Bonus question: Do you call Emily Jane, Emily Jane, or Seraphina?

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