Chapter 6: Nightmare

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"What a pretty little nightmare!" (Rise of the Guardians)


A tall figure made out of dreamsand threw a child into a cage above Sandman. He made a dreamsand cloud and quickly ascended towards the cage.


The cloud underneath him seemed to move away from him and slipped through the hole it made. Using his reflexes he made a manta ray and landed on it with a soft thud. Sandman looked up at his previous dreamsand creation. The hole remained. He wiped his hand and the sand disappeared into the darkness. His hiccups seemed to affect more than his dream lines it seemed. That worried the spirit of dreams as he flew the manta ray to the rattling cage.

Sandman peered into the cage and found that the thing he first thought was a child was one of Pitch's creations. It appeared to be a colony of bats. Sandman glared at the bats. His anger started to bubble. Sandman ignored the bats and took his new position to look for Pitch. If this was his idea of scaring him, it wasn't working. For someone being a spirit of fear, he wasn't that scary.

Sandman spotted something that he had never seen before. Sandman drove the manta ray down to Pitch's replica of North's globe. It was surrounded by teeth-like structures. It was as if he was standing inside of a monster's mouth and it was about it shut its mouth and swallow him whole. Sandman inspired the globe. He sighed as he saw all of the glowing dots covering its surface. Sandman remembered the last time he looked at the globe this closely. It was when all the dots were disappearing right in front of his eyes. Now that was scary.

A noise started Sandman as something seemed to fly behind him. He turned around to feel coldness shooting up his spine. As he thought of possibilities as a couple of dreamsand bats appeared above his head. The dreamsand bats were in a cage then they flew out of them. Sandman shook one of his hands from side to side and the dreamsand pictures disappeared as they had done before.

Sandman turned back to the globe. A light echoed across the great expanse of the darkness. It was Pitch Black.

Sandman wobbled back and forth as the ground shook. Sandman assumed that this was Pitch's doing and shook his fist at the darkness. He knew he was hiding there somewhere. Probably watching him and laughing his head off.

The ground shook stronger this time. Maybe it had something to do with the laugh echoing if the com cave walls, maybe not. One thing was that it was getting worse. Sandman dodged a stalactite that fell from the cave's ceiling. The hop with the shaking ground made him fall on the stone floor. He watched as a crack formed in the ground. The crooked line spread like a disease through blood vessels. It was coming straight to Sandman. He rolled over to get out of its way and he stood up. He managed to stay upright as the crack expanded and the two halves moved away from the crazy line. Sandman backed up to the wall.


Shalom, Seedlings!

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