*Chapter 4: What Is Going On In There?*

Start from the beginning

You ended up settling for one of Shakespeare's books as a lot of the books in the library aren't even written in English.

Of course you know who Shakespeare was. Several centuries ago, you attended one of his plays and about a century later, you even attempted to read one of his works. Yet somehow you always felt too dull to understand the meaning behind his words. 

Still, when Loki spoke about it yesterday and mocked you with it, you felt like you should give it another shot as you are much older and wiser now. And, you wanted to prove him wrong since his comment had pissed you off.

Where does he even get off insulting you like that? Does he think he is better than anyone that comes from Midgard? Why? Because he is a so-called God here? 

You groan in frustration. The fact that he has managed to worm his way into your thoughts, infuriates you. You don't even understand why you care at all. 

Maybe the fact that over the last several centuries, the way men treat women hasn't changed. It's always the same act of male superiority, no matter the century. Though, Thor doesn't treat you this way. He has treated you with respect, no matter the time or place. Which is refreshing, to say the least.

You flip the cover open and carefully flip to the first page as the book you are holding, seems very fragile. It must be several centuries old. 

Upon reading the first paragraph, you are surprised that you are actually able to understand what is written. You smile and eagerly continue to the next paragraph.

Completely immersed in the story and flipping from one page to the next, you jolt in your seat when you suddenly hear a faint scream. Your brows furrow for a moment, thinking you had imagined it, so you continue reading. 

Until you hear another scream, this time louder and followed by muffled sounds.

Knowing for sure that you didn't imagine it, your eyes widen and your heartbeat starts racing. You swiftly place your book upside down, grabbing a nearby blanket to cover up the white vintage nightgown the maids had put you in the night before.

Heading out of your chambers and rushing into the enormous hallway, you stand still to listen for a moment. Another scream rings throughout the lengthy hallway and your heart feels like it could beat out of your chest.

Something must be terribly wrong.

You rub your sweaty palms over the blanket and adjust it. The screams seem to be coming from your right, so you carefully approach the sound, not knowing what you might find.

They were coming from the next room, you realize. You freeze in front of the door and stare at it in confusion. Noticing the servants pass by as they normally would, not even remotely startled by the screaming nor batting an eye as they pass, your confusion deepens.

Raising your eyebrow and in need of answers, you pull a nearby servant to the side. You hold your finger in front of your lips and the servant nods in acknowledgment.

"Can you hear screaming in there?" You whisper as you point to the nearby door. The servant nods.

"Then would you mind telling me what is going on in there?" You hiss.

"These are Prince Loki's chambers, my Lady." The servant replies simply.

"Prince Loki's chambers? What could he possibly be doing in there to cause such loud screaming?"

The young servant girl blushes and considers for a moment before answering.

"The Prince has ... nightly visitors, my Lady. What you are hearing is said visitor enjoying his ... company?"

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