Klaus groaned and kicked off his boots first. His socks easily followed. Then his shirt and trousers. He knew his mother would have his hide if his clothes came back all soaked. "Give me your word, Kol. One lap around and we'll return to the hut."

"Yes, yes, brother. I give you my word. Now jump in!"

Niklaus didn't waste any time. He ran forward, jumped, and pulled his legs towards his body before plunging into the water. His entire body was engulfed in the cool water in the river. "How about a good race, brother?"

Niklaus easily let a smirk cover his face. "On three?"

"No, of course not!" Kol denied. Niklaus could've sworn that his brother wanted to race so what was the problem with starting on three. "Now!"

"Bloody hell!" Klaus cried out before swimming as fast as he could to catch up with his little brother. "You're a cheater, Kol."

"Cheater or not, who's winning?"

"Nik, hello? Are you even listening to me?" Rebekah called out for the fourth time.

"Of course, I am, Rebekah," The hybrid confirmed. "Who could not be listening when the whole city of Los Angeles can hear you?"

"Go to hell, Nik," Rebekah bit back. "Also, during your so-called listening, Elijah informed us that he is not to be bothered in his study."

Klaus didn't respond as he heard Rebekah's heels click away and up the wooden stairs. He silently reminded himself to get the witch to put a silencing spell on all of his sister's heels. He would not be able to deal with her endless clicking for however long they stayed in this house.

Mystic Falls Hospital

"Excuse me, ma'am. Ma'am!"

A woman with long black braids falling past her shoulders let out an exasperated sigh. She was hoping to get in and out, doing what needed to be done, unnoticed but with her luck, she ran right into someone. A fucking nurse.

She rolled her eyes before turning away from her. The nurse, however, had other plans and began to jog after her.

"Ma'am, please stop!" The nurse put a light hand on the woman's arm in an attempt to stop her. "Unless your family and on file, I can't let you back here. What's your name?" The nurse was clearly out of breath, but she tried to hide it.

"First of all, muggle, don't touch me," she started, shaking the nurse's arm off hers. "Second, I am family. Third, I'm Mina, Mina Bennett, if you must know. Oh, and fourth.." She twisted her wrist and balled it in a first. The nurse fell to the floor unconscious. "You won't remember this."

She resumed her steps down the long hallway, her eyes eagerly searching for one specific name. Finally, she was able to rest her eyes on room 277. On the sticker posted on the door, the name read: Bonnie Bennett.

She slid the door open, slipped inside of it, then closed it again, wanting nothing more than to get past it without alerting anyone else of her presence. Her eyes wandered over to the bed, and tucked firmly under the sheets was the person she was looking for.

"Damn, Bonnie, girl, you look awful." She mumbled, taking a seat next to Bonnie's body. She watched as her cousin's chest slowly rose up and down. Her phone buzzed a couple of times in her pocket but she ignored it.

"You know, I told Lucy not to leave you with those damned Salvatore mosquitoes. I promise, Bonnie, as sure as Bennett blood runs in my veins, if I find out that they, or that doppelgänger wench, had anything to do with this, I will rain down hell on Mystic Falls, and I will kill anyone who has ever wronged you."

Mina slid off the bed and hugged Bonnie gently. "Sometimes I wish that Abby raised you with us. I could have protected you from all of this." She eased off of the girl and picked up her purse she forgot she carried in here. "Nevertheless, you're free from her now. And nothing or no one will keep me from protecting you. Until we meet again, Bonnie."

Salvatore Mansion

Elena and Caroline sat in one of the couches near the front of the fireplace. "I don't understand, where's Bonnie?" Elena asked, sighing as she saw Caroline call her for the fourth time in a row.

"Surely, she wouldn't leave us the second we actually get a plan to take out Silas," Matt mumbled, tapping his foot against the carpet. "Something has to be wrong."

"And where's Damon?" Caroline asked. Tonight was one of the most important nights in their lives and everyone who could actually do something about it was missing.

Elena looked up from her phone momentarily. "He went to Bonnie's house."

"What?" Matt and Caroline said at the same time. Even Matt, who was considered the least useful person in the city, knew that Damon and Bonnie were not on comfortable terms. And not only has Damon gone out to find Bonnie but he went to her house.

Elena signed and looked at her friend's shocked faces. She knew that they weren't fond of Damon and the vampire showing up at Bonnie's house was a big deal. "What do you guys expect. Bonnie needs to be found. We can't kill Silas without her. Either she comes to us or we go to her."

Noticing that her friends still had that shockingly disappointed look on their faces, she stormed out of the room. Bonnie was the key to ending Silas and getting him out of their lives. If Bonnie had to be a little uncomfortable to do so, then so be it.


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