Vol. 13, Ch. 29: Mimic Madness

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Volume 13's POV: Third Person POV

"I don't like this!" Miyuki groaned with underlying dread while trying her best to keep balance. The floor continued to vibrate for a few more moments. Though the floor was moments away from inevitable collapse, the culprit was no where to be seen. Manaka and Miyuki could only stand close to each other, both simultaneously looking around the room from where they stood.

"If this was an Earthquake, what magnitude would it be?" 

Miyuki's head turned towards Omo, her eyebrows briefly raising like if the question was a surprise. "Uuuuhhhh good question... now, I haven't taken geology yet... but I'm pretty sure I can safely say one big enough to kill us."  She'd answer, then attempting to scan over their surroundings for something to grab onto. The bad part about this room was that it was so clean. Aside from the displayed paintings, the walls were completely bare and spotless. The floor dawned the same tile as the rest of the school, but had a bright shine to it like it's been scrubbed and mopped regularly. The only furniture in the room were the chairs that Stronzo had destroyed, the table that had been blown to pieces from Omo's raging power, and the large throne that was built into the ground and sat across the room from them.

There was nothing either could grip onto to make this shaking a little more bearable... the only option was to wait it out. After grueling seconds of waiting, that would finally happen. Though they were saved from the shaking, neither had the chance to regather their senses before the next chilling event took place. 

Clop clop clop

What started as slow and mysterious footsteps suddenly turned into something invisible to their eyes rapidly rushing by the two. Both would turn their heads behind them in an attempt to spot the foe, but the foe had already disappeared before they had a chance.

"I-I don't see them, Sekken!" Manaka nervously pointed out.
"... Sekken?"

Suddenly Omo's heart began to beat a little faster. "Miyuki?!" She called out again, though only answered by the eerie silence that filled the room. Sweat rolled down her face, and her fists clenched from the sourness that flooded her senses. What had happened? One moment Miyuki was here, but the next, she was no where to be seen! What had replaced Miyuki was a man she wasn't quite sure she could face: Headmaster Sato.

"-EEP! OH NO," Manaka yelped, suddenly backing away from the large looming man that sharply glared at her.

"Hey, lady, I'm gonna pay you back for all you've stolen!" the large man would angrily bellow while steadily walking towards her. 

"I-I'm sorry about your necklace! B-but... you shouldn't have such a dangerous weapon at school!"

"Necklace? I don't have a necklace, what are you talking about?!" The Headmaster questioned. The Headmaster was quick to shift the accusation though, and harshly speak his mind to her: "I do know of a necklace that you possessed! You and those necklaces caused the deaths of countless people, you sick, cruel bastard! I'm gonna make you pay for what you've put me through!"

Manaka's eyes widened when the Headmaster said those words to her, suddenly feeling like she had her heart put on a stake. Those accusations were harsh, but hearing it from the Headmaster himself, she couldn't help but think about it over and over again. Maybe what he said was right. After all, she was at the center of everything going on in these last few weeks. She was the one that led to Seijo's arrest. She was the one that led to Miyuki being terrorized. She was the one that stole the necklace. She was the one that angered I-35. She was the one that caused people to go missing. She was the heart of every problem, and as a result, maybe she is to blame for why so many people have died at this school...

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