Vol. 12, Ch. 28: One More Waltz with Death

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Omo's violent screams filled the room. Stronzo tried to quickly throw himself back onto his feet, but even mere moments of standing were a challenge against his balance. His heart rate surged and sweat rolled down his face for the first time in ages. With every step Manaka took, his teeth clenched tighter, and it felt like his heart was getting ready to leap out of his chest. What was the issue? Why was he losing his composure? His eyebrows briefly furrowed, but his face still wore the expression of shock and disbelief. Just as he had feared, he had awoken a monster, much like his Goddess had warned... but there was no time to dwell on his failures. Just mere moments more of this shaking, and the entire room was doomed to collapse on them! Manaka would be the death of him and taking herself with! But this energy.... it never stopped growing!

"I can't believe it... but, I made this mistake. This is my fault! I was wrong about you!.. but, I will make this right! Please forgive me my majesty, for I have doubted your wisdom. My wrongs shall be re-righted." He'd say in a soft prayer to himself. His eyelids shut while he uttered this prayer. While he spoke, he could feel the blessings already take place. His tense and sore body started to relax. His mind return to become one with his body, and his face eased into a smile. ("Mama mia... you truly have been blessed with power. However, you are not the only one with that kind of power... How foolish of me, I have forgotten that I too am under the wing of the almighty Goddess of Shadows. I valued her room, but if its walls must come down and be fated to doom us all, then so be it. I will right my wrongs by any means necessary, and use my true strength!")

"I-Impressive... you haven't trained a day in your life, and you can actually make me give some effort!" Stronzo exclaimed. Despite the shaking and quaking in the room, he was able to gain firm balance at last. His feet planted firmly on the ground, his arms moving into position for this next fighting stance. His knees bent down to act as springs, and his arms remained relaxed while crossed in front of him to mimic the same thing. Stronzo's body had a bright glow to it as he pushed his own power to its limits. "But your lack of skill will only take you so far!" 

"REAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" She would violently yell. In a blink of an eye, she would appear in front of him and throw a single hard punch square into his defensive stance. The single punch alone sent a gust of wind that knocked down one of the supporting columns and kicked up dust in the air. Though, Stronzo remained firm as ever. His defensive stance caught the fist while pushing himself backwards to further cushion her strength. This punch would be followed by a second punch, then a third, and then a full-on furious barrage of attacks. With every blow, Stronzo continued to spring backwards and cushion the attacks. 

Suddenly, the raging Omo would see her hand being strongly resisted. One of her fists were caught and gripped tightly by Stronzo. His body's glow matched hers evenly, and like-wise, her fist couldn't travel any further! "You're an idiot if you thought I'd give in just yet!" Stronzo venomously yelled. His hand pushed harder and harder against her punch and with no signs of stopping in sight. "You have so much power, but one could only dream of matching me no matter their strength!" 

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The opposing monster screamed once more before throwing another punch straight for the side of his face. Omo wasn't going to give her enemy time to breathe in between her attacks. The sheer power behind her could give anyone the idea that she had lost all of her senses. She was only intent on inflicting misery and distraught upon her enemy. The killing intent only continued to rise with every second the battle continued. 

The fist thrown would glide passed Stronzo's cheek, who had ducked his entire body to the side briefly. The hand he previously used to grab onto her punch had left her. His calculating eyes darted over her body, searching for a singular opening spot on her. Jackpot was struck when he caught the sight of her stomach being completely exposed, which he would take full advantage of by throwing his fist directly into it. 

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