Vol. 2, Ch. 5: I-35's Body Guard

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Ache. Her head ached. When she sat up from the ground, that was the first thing she noticed. Miyuki was in the same spot as before, sitting at the front door of Maguro High. Aside from pain, the emotions that she felt were indescribable. Jumbled up into a ball they were. Actually, they were already jumbled up into a big rubber-band ball beforehand, but now it felt like someone took a knife to that rubber-band ball and watched it burst open like confetti. Her heart was still pounding, but it took a moment of her sitting there to gather what had gone on, her heart only racing further when she connected the dots: ("Paint covered shirt, large guys with weapons, front office...") Miyuki tried connecting, then went to check her right sock..."No..."

It wasn't there...

It was all gone...

That realization only made her feel worse. That knife was fully driven through that ball, releasing all of its contents for the world to see. The first year just sat there and did nothing but cry to herself, letting that feeling of grief, fear, and hatred manifest.

She was robbed helplessly, now with no way to afford for her lunch nor a change of clothes! But why her though? That was something she did not understand. How were these thugs allowed in the school building... wasn't the head master's office right there? Miyuki would turn her head towards the door to the front office. The lights inside were shut off with a note attached to the door. It was there earlier, but Miyuki never got the chance to look there and notice. After a moment of sobbing, Sekken rubbed her face, standing up, and shakily walking towards the door. She then took the taped note and pulled it off of the door to read it:

    "The Administration's Office is closed today. Any due payments are to be turned in to Mr. Taro's classroom. Behavioral reports will see the headmaster directly. Uniforms or other necessary items are to be taken to the classroom across the hall from the gym.

Headmaster Sato"

    ("Damnit... damnit! The administration's office is closed?! How am I going to report these-... these thugs?! O-oh wait, I could go see the headmaster. Where is he though? It doesn't even look like his office's light is on in there...") Miyuki wondered, standing on the tips of her toes to look inside of the offices from the window. It is obvious he wasn't in the front office, so Miyuki was left with only the option of finding a spare change of clothes. It was in the room right across the gym, so it shouldn't be too far of a walk...

Miyuki slowly wandered down the halls of the school, hugging her arms to help comfort her from the cold air that brewed from the AC vents. The events of this day repeated in her mind who knows how many times while she walked to the designated spot. ("Why... why me? Why anyone? I gave this school a shot, I should just go home and transfer elsewhere...") Miyuki thought, scoffing at her adoptive mother's words from this morning.
'Let's just give this one a chance.... I can only help you as much as you'll let me.'

("Help. That is what I need. Help... maybe Seijo knows something about this!")

With that thought in mind, Miyuki felt much better than she did before. If the school wasn't able to fight against these thugs, then someone had to... someone undefeated. She needed someone who was strong and knew how to fight, so these delinquents could be brought down! No one else should be robbed blind like she was. Miyuki then sped up her pace even more, her feet lifting off of the ground as she pursued that room across from the gym.

The room was eventually in sight, Sekken speeding as quickly as she could towards it-

"No running in the halls young lady!" of course a teacher would bark out from one of the classrooms.

Super Sekken Story 1: The Ki to the HeadmasterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin