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This isn't an ideal time to be hard. But as I watch Madison gain ground with an AK in her hands, her body crouched slightly do to gunfire, and a determined look in her eyes. I'm itching to fuck her. 

She's dropping men left and right in an attempt to get Kylen to Robert. Moments ago he came running from somewhere in the woods with a woman in his arms. He begged from a distance for us to help, only to be shot himself. Now two of my lovers are fighting off men to get to them. 

"We have to go!" Jameson said as he stood from behind the brick wall we were crouched behind, and fired off shots. My eyes were still fixated on my wife as she push through like a pro. Kylen couldn't help her fight, he had his equipment on his back and in his hands. "Lets move!" 

I stand and pull my gun from my hip to start firing. My eyes widen when I watch the man I was shooting at, dropping to the ground, dead. But I can't dwell on that. We have to push towards the house. We have to get inside. We have to get to Oisin. So I keep shooting, keep pushing forward. 

Finally we are  at the side of the house, pushing the door open. 

There's an eerie calm to the house that has me clenching my jaw. Slowly Jameson and I move through the house. We happen upon the office, where we find Kelly and his mean dead. 

"Fuck, looks like Oisin is more ruthless than we thought." Jameson whispers as we backed out of the office and continued to try to find Oisin. We hear movement upstairs and quickly make our way up there. 

"Show yourself!" Jameson shouts and my heart soars when Oisin voice shouts in response.

"It's me!" 

We rush to the room that his voice came from and when we open the door, we find Oisin sitting at a computer that has three monitors. He has his glasses on as he types quickly. 

"I love you," I blurt as I rush to him and pull him into a hug. 

"I love you too, but you have to let me go. I'm almost finished, and then we will have to go." Oisin says as he pulls away from me.

"Hurry, we need to leave." Jameson snaps as he stands at the door, glancing down the hall. He is the least trusting of us all so I know he's on high alert.

"You are right. But this is my home now, this is my Kingdom. I am the last ruling Kelly, by default. That means I don't leave until everything that is meant to be mine, is. 

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Transferring the half a billion dollars by father had to a private account, as well as all of the assets they have acquired." Oisin responds with a menacing grin. 

"That's all good and great, but hurry the fuck up and lets go! We left Kylen and Madison out there!" Jameson roars as he gives both of us a look that says he's not fucking around. Oisin smiles back at him, before shaking his head. 

"Oh they aren't alone." I look at Oisin as he taps a button and the screens on the monitors go white. "I just cleared the Kelly's off the fucking map, while calling in the calvary." 

"The calvary?" Jameson and I say at the same time. 

"Yes, the Greeks." 


I'm panting by the time I get to Robert and the  woman in his arms. He's unconscious but even in this state, he hasn't let her go. My mouth drops open when I see the huge gash across her throat.

"Her throat is slit but not deep enough to kill her if I can stop the bleeding. Here," Kylen hands me a black thing that I don't recognize. "It a tourniquet, it will stop Roberts bleeding. Attach it to his arm, and then find the bullet wound." I watch as Kylen puts a black band around the red haired woman's arm, and pulls it tight. He starts to work on her, while I do the same with Robert. Soon I find a bullet hole on under his right arm close to his armpit. 

Bitter Virtue||Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now