No Understanding

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I didn't expect the sudden turn of events. One second I'm attempting to kill Oisin Kelly, the next he's showing me through the back door of the lounge. Robert isn't behind me, none of my men are behind me and that's the way I'm trying to keep it.

I'm a lawyer. So I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, with the exception of some. Oisin is innocent, young, and damn afraid. His family is forcing him into a life that he didn't ask for. He let me know that he wasn't real Kelly blood which startled me. How had Jameson missed this one detail?

They killed Oisin'a mother and father when he was just a small boy, or lad he liked to say, and then took him under their wing. It wasn't a happy home life. He was treated as an outsider. Told he would be beat, raped, murdered if he didn't do what he was told. Now he is using me as a way out and I'm helping him do so, because he's saving me from my own fate.

"Where the fuck are you leading me to?" I finally ask when we get outside and begin walking down a narrow alley way. Oisin doesn't answer. It puts me on edge. "Tell me where the fuck you are taking me or I'll stick this needle in the back of you neck."

"To my car. I parked it back here."

"Don't the Kelly's know what car you drive?"

"Not this one. I purchased it in cash and used a fake name. When we get to it, we haul ass to the airport. Once there, I have a set up that I've been waiting to use for years. For my escape." I nod just as we exist the alley and head towards a beat up old Nissan. It doesn't look like the car of a made man, but that makes it the perfect disguise.

As soon as we get into the vehicle my phone rings. I'm stunned for moment, knowing that I haven't given this number out. The word 'unknown' flashes across the screen and I chew on my bottom lips. Looking up at Oisin, he glances at my phone before cranking the car and pulling off the curve. The phone stops ringing but only for a moment before it starts up again. Not knowing what to do, I grit my teeth and answer it.

"Who is this?"

"Hello, Reece. This is Stephan. You do not know me, but you do know my granddaughter, Madison. She is your wife, am I correct?" My whole world comes to an abrupt stop. Madison never talked about her family, and I never forced her. She always told me it was all better left unsaid.

"Yes, she is my wife. Why?"

"You are not asking the question here, son. The reason for my call is to let you know that your wife has called on me for assistance. There was an incident at your lover, Jameson's, home in Washington. A imposer tried to kill my granddaughter but Madison did what she was trained to do, and killed her."

"W-What! Trained to do?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" I sneer.

"No questions, Reece. She did what had to be done, but now she's has me to assist with the rest, but it all comes at a price. So, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You and your family, along with the young Kelly boy you just befriended are coming to New York. There's a plane already at the airport waiting for you both. My men know who you are, you need only to go to the airport. Do not go back to Washington, it is not safe." My chest feels tight as I try to breath.

"Where is Madison? Where is Kylen and Jameson? Do they know about this?"

"You are not much of a listener are you, son? I said no questions but since you insist on knowing; Madison and Reece are on their way here, I will tell them the same thing I am telling you now. That they will be coming to New York to stay. They aren't aware of it yet, but I have men and women headed to get Jameson. You only need to do your part so all of you will be together by the following day." Stephan says.

"Madison called on you, what does that even mean?"

"No more questions, Reece. I will see you later in the night. Dispose of this phone immediately, do not take it to the airport. My men are trailing you both, but they are being followed. It seems that Robert isn't to happy that things aren't going as plan. So, if you want to live, you do everything I just told you, and make your way to me. Goodday." The line goes dead and not a second later I'm throwing the phone out of the window.

"Who was that?" Oisin asks. I look over at him and see that his hands are shaking as he holds the stirring will. His body is tense, but his eyes are wide and hopeful. Like he's waited for this moment all of his life. He's been a captive to the Kelly's and now he will be free. I don't know why I do it, but I lean over and kiss his soft cheek.

"You will be alright." I reassure and Oisin just side-eyes me.

"I'll believe it when we are far from Florida. Now who was that?"

"That was my wife's grandfather, Stephan. It's my first time talking to him but he's made it clear that we are to go to the airport and there will be men to escort us to a plane he has ready. We are going to New York."

"I can't go to New York! I have family there. They'll find me!" Oisin's voice trembles as he speaks.

"They won't. Stephan has men following us right now, and I have a feeling that he's a very powerful man. Even more powerful than your people." That does little to reassure the young man but it's all I can say. I'm just as afraid as he is, but someone has to be strong.

"We will be alright."


White hot agony shoots through my body as I slowly wake. I'm so weak that I can barely lift my eyelids, but once I force them open, I stiffen. There are strange men and women all around me. They're unhooking cords and hooking them on to the side of my bed. One of them looks up to find me looking at him. He says something in what I know to be Russian, and a tiny woman turns to give me her attention.

"Hello, sir. We are here to escort you to you wife and men. They are waiting for you." I try to shallow so that I can speak but my mouth is too dry. "No need for words. I promise you are safe."

God, I don't believe her. I've never trusted anyone other than Kylen. Now, the only other two people that have my trust are Madison and Reece.

"I'm going to sedate you so you can rest during the flight. I'll also administer some pain meds. You will be home soon, sir."

THIS IS MY HOME! I want to scream it to the top of my lungs but the medicine is already being pushed into the IV and a drip is being started. Slowly my mind begins to slip away and I can't help but say a quick prayer to God that I wake up again. Cause when I do, someone is going to have hell to fucking pay. I just know it.

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