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Reece and Oisin follow me out of the office and ultimately out of the house. They are both quiet but I know a lot of questions are running through both of their heads. When we stop in front of a limo, the driver steps out, comes to open the door and I gesture for both men to get in. Once they do, I get inside. The driver closes the door, goes to the front of the limo before asking through the speaker, 'where to?"

"Home." I respond before cutting the speaker. 

"Where is home now?" Reece asks. " What's going on? Madison is running the Mafia now? What Mafia? When did she become a part of the Mafia?" 

"She was adopted into it well before you knew her. But once she found you, and her father died, she turned down her position. Her papa allowed it with one stipulation." 

"And what was that?"

"That if she ever called on him and his Mafia for help, she would give it her life once again." Reece lets out a strangled sound before shaking his head. 

"We had it under control!" He says in frustration. "Me and Jameson had it under complete control." 

"You two did not have it under control. Madison was attacked in Washington, she had to kill someone. One of my good friends was murdered and she had nothing to do with this. Control? You two had none of that." My voice grows harsher but my mind is on Madison and the baby. As well as Jameson, who has yet to arrive. 

"So sorry we weren't the best hitmen, but we tried!" Reece all but shouts. 

"You guys did good. The Kelly's just have friends in high places." Oisin cuts in. "Like Robert. That old fuck is so deep off in my old mans pockets, he probably knows what his ass smells like." Any other time I would have laughed at such a remark but at the mention of Robert, a man who has been in Jameson's life since he was a boy--my body goes rigid. 

"Stop talking until you can speak with Madison." I say and Oisin nods. 

"Yeah, there's a lot that needs to be said, but did you say Madison murdered someone?" Reece cuts in. 

"Lets just get home." I respond as the cusp of a sigh. I'm tired and have the worst jet lag. I'm honestly in need of some dick and a comfortable bed but I know I have to have patience for the former. 

As the minutes tick by and the city turns into rural area, I watch for both Reece and Oisin's face to morph into shock. Our new home is something out of a story book. It's magnificent, and I know the exact moment the both of them see the castle on the hill. 

"Holy shit." Reece says as he rolls the window down. The cool breeze makes me shiver the slightest bit, but I can't help but smile. The house has twenty-six bedrooms, each has it's own bathroom. There are three stories, with the third being a fuse of a master bedroom, living area and fire place. There's a walk in closest the size of a medium size apartment with a vanity that made Madison sob. A walk in fridge with a side pantry is behind what looks like a book case, and the panic room is inside the bathroom behind the shower wall. When papa gave us the tour, my heart constricted. I grew up poor, so this type of life, although not completely new, is still amazing to watch unfold. 

"This is, this is..." Oisin says and then he buries his face in his hands and begins to sob. "The Kelly's made me stay in my room. I was fed through a slot in the door, and if I wanted to go out, I was surrounded by men." Reece pulls him into his chest to comfort him. I watch in shock, knowing that this takes away any doubt that I have. Oisin is innocent in the life he's been living, but that will not take away Jameson's wrath. I wish it could. 

"I hate that your life has more than likely been a tragic one, but you have to understand that Jameson will not care." I say softly. "He is going to make you earn his trust and respect, and God, it will not be in easy. Just keep your head up. Know that once you have earned it, your life will be all of ours, we will protect you with our own." 

"Does that mean I am not protected right now," Oisin questions as he looks up at me with wide eyes. "does that mean you will let the Kelly's kill me if it benefits you guys relationship?" 

"No!" Reece cuts in as he cups Oisin's face. "I don't care what they do, but I will not let harm come to you, and if I feel that way, Madison will do the same." 

"Are you saying that I will let harm come to him?" My words come out laced wit the annoyance I feel. 

"You all but said it." Reece snaps back but before I can come back with my answer, the door to the limo is being opened. 

"This conversation is far from over." I say to Reece who childishly sticks his tongue out at me. "Both of you come, I will give you the tour of our new home." 


I come to with gasp that turns in a song of agony. Fire tears through my chest, traveling up my arm, down my spine, where it splits. Forcing the pain to the top of my head, down to the soul of my feet. 

"I am here, shhh, handsome. I am here." My eyes snap open at the sound of Kylen's voice, and sure enough he's standing beside me, holding my hand. "You need to stay calm. Your coming off a sedative, so things will be all over the place for a few minutes." 

"Reece, where is Reece?" I rasp as my body continues to radiate with pain. Through the agony of it, I can't take my mind off the fear and pain in Reece's face after I was shot. He must have took care of the problem which brings me some relief. The Kelly's are dead. My family is safer now. 

"There is no right time to bring this up, so I must do it now. That way if you react too negatively," Kylen begins before cutting himself off, and lifting something in his free hand. It's a large syringe. 

"What do you think you are going to do with that?" I'm surprised at how stern my voice sounds and so does Kylen. His cheek redden but he doesn't drop it. 

"There is a Kelly here." My body goes so stiff that it causes me to cry out. Or at least that my excuse for roaring like  maniac in Kylen's face. 

"This isn't easy to hear but its the truth, and Reece brought him back. There are things you do not know Jameson. Things that we have learn and you will soon learn as well. The new Don of the Russian Mafia is here to see you." Kylen rushes over his words, rambling...but I catch every one of them. 

"What the does the Don of the Mafia want with me?" I ask as I lift a single weak eyebrow. Kylen smirks knowingly. 

"Well, personally, I think she's about ready to suck your cock, and ride you into the sunset. But as of right now, she wants to kiss you." 

"She?" Just as the single word slips from my mouth, the door to the large room I'm laying in opens and in walks Madison. She looks different. Her skin seems radiant, her smile bright, but there's a darkness in her eyes that I've never seen before. It's as if I'm looking at a harden woman. A woman that has done and seen things no one as beautiful as her should ever do or see.

 I'm so caught up in her beauty that I don't realize she's standing right in front of me until her lips ghost across my dry ones. She inhales me like a drug as she leans down and kisses the lobe of my ear before speaking to me in a sultry tone. A heated tone, that came out in what I would call a purr. 

"Hello, husband." 

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