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(Last chapter before the sexy stuff 😮‍💨)


I am shaking with the intensity of my range. Madison is still in my arms, my eyes are still on her Papa, and my heart might as well be sitting on my sleeve. My father was not the greatest, neither was my mother, but they were mine. They were all I had in this life of utter sin. And I am standing in front of their murderer.

"You and I know that actions have consequences," the old man says and I smile as the urge to murder consumes me. Madison squirms in my arm before I feel her soft hand on my cheek. My eyes immediately snap down to meet her gaze, and when I see the wide-eyed expression on her face, I go soft.

"Later," she croaks before let out a sharp cry of pain. It's then that I feel a warm wetness seeping into my shirt. I look down confused.

"Oh shit!" Reece exclaims. "She bleeding bad!" It's then that the elevator opens and the smell of sterilization hits me. I spin around jogging Madison over to the single hospital bed in the room. Beside it is a monitor, and what I know to be a machine used for ultrasounds.

"My b-baby." Madison cries as I hold her hand. Reece grabs her free one as Kylen rushes around the room grabbing at things. Soon he has Madison hooked up to an IV, her body bare from the waist down as he pulls the ultrasound machine over to the side of the bed. He squirts a clear liquid onto Madison stomach and immediately begins to move the device around her belly. Oisin throws a sheet over Madison's lower half, while her Papa stands in the far corner, observing. I know the look on his face, it's caculated and it makes me suspicious of him.

"No, where is it!" Kylen cries out as he continues to move the small device along Madison abdemon. "Come on baby girl, give me that heart beat. Let your dads and your mama hear that heart beat."

"Kylen." I murmur his name as I watch tears slip from his eyes. He swallows thickly but doesn't look at me.

"Please don't tell me our baby is gone." Madison sobs. "Please! Kylen! Please!"

"Oh baby," Reece cries as he leans forward to kiss Madison's forehead. "We are going to be alright. Everything will be fine." Silence falls around us is thick—I feel suffocated. I stand up abruptly that I cause everyone to jump except for Madison and her Papa. My head begins to pound and the room starts to spin. I stumble backwards, but a pair of cool slender hands help steady me. Standing up straighter, I look at Oisin who has silent tears streaming down his eyes. He doesn't say anything but he does act. His arms wrap around me and that's all it takes for me to grip the railing of the bed and drop my head. Tears come with ease as the silence in the room seems to consume us all.

"I need to clean and check you," Kylen says as he stands and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. I don't know why, but I feel like this is something that he needs to do alone. So I stand straight, grab Reeces hand and pull him. He pulls away from me, but when I give him a solemn look, he sighs before kissing Madison who is delirious with sadness. I pull him and Oisin to the elevator and press the up button. A heaviness stands behind me suddenly make me shudder with suppressed rage. I know it's the old man, and as soon as I have him alone, he will answer all of my questions...

Or die.


Madison sobs as I fill the bath pan with hot soapy water. I bring it back over to the bed and take my time wiping her clean. She cries and holds her tiny bump that will soon be gone. I'm unable to say anything to her, because I don't know what to say. This miscarriage is sudden. She'd been healthy only a few days ago. The baby had a high heart rate, and Madison was eating healthy. So what went wrong? What could have possibly changed?

"I had sex with Oisin all night, could that have done it?" Madison says out of nowhere. Her voice is full a agony and it makes it hard to keep my composure.

"No, sex wouldn't do this. Miscarriages in the first trimester are normal. The can even be spontaneous. I wish there was more I could say, but...I don't know what to say. That was our first child. Now, she is gone." I can't hold my tears so I let them fall as I continue to clean my beauty. She's silent except for her sniffles as she continues to cry.

Twenty minutes later, Madison is cleaned, dressed, and her vagina has been examine. Thank God I had underwear, for after the birth, already supplied in the infirmary or I would be rushing to the nearest Walgreens.

I sit on the end of the bed with Madison as she holds my hand.

"I am so sorry." She cries.

"Don't. Don't you dare Madison. Women go through this. It's your first pregnancy and now we know that we need to be gentle with you. After at least a week of rest to see if the bleeding has stopped, and then another week of getting your strength back, we can try again. I'll be better prepared as your doctor. We will not let this happen again."

"Okay." Madison says with a sigh. We sit in silence a moment longer before she speaks again. "I think it was stress. Killing someone, re-claiming the Mafia, then taking in an enemy as my lover, it sent my body into a constant state of stress. My head has been hurting for a week. I'm tired all the time, I thought it was because of the baby. Now I know that it was from all that I have been going through. I'm so tired. I need Jameson to do this for us. Do you think he will?"

"Yes, but we have to first understand why Papa killed his family." Madison sits up straighter as if she had just remembered the incident on the elevator.

"Jesus! That slipped my fucking mind. I don't know how, but it did, and it's really fucked up that I didn't know my Papa got his hands dirty. One thing I do know is this.. If he killed Jameson's parents, they did something unforgivable to the Mafia."

"To Jameson, it will not matter what they did. He loved his mother more than life. His father he loved, but the man was cold and hard on him, Jameson loved him anyway. He will not be forgiving, he will want blood."

"Well he's gotten that!" Madison erupts as she jumps to her feet. She sway and groans but when I try to take her hand, she pulls away. "I just lost our child due to the stress of the fucking Mafia! A Mafia that my Papa prides himself on! That was the first heir to my name and if any of you would have been paying attention, you would have seen him crying in the fucking corner. He loss something today too! Family! So I'm going to need you to talk to that goddamn Jameson and let him fucking know that I don't have time for his vengefulness. We got other shit to worry about!"

"Okay, baby, okay." I say as I slowly reach out and pull Madison onto my lap. "You don't worry about anything but healing, my love. I will take care of it. I will make sure it is all settled. You rest and use your men how you see fit. I love you. We love you."

Instead of responding, Madison buries her head in my neck and continues to grieve our loss. A loss that I know is about to set a lot of dark things in motion.

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