Deal With It

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Pov: 3rd at Hokage's Office

Hiruzen Sarutobi took a puff from his pipe, smoke slowly rising into the air.

He sighted, unhappily looking at the mountain of paperwork on his desk before him. He had fallen behind so it would have to be completed at some point today. He took the first of many papers, finally tending to his duties as Hokage, but as he was about to give his stamp of approval on some minuscule document he didn't care for one of his ninja came bursting through the door.

"Hokage-sama!" He said in between pants, "Anbu team Ro has sent message that their mission in Kirigakure was successful."

"And?" Hirzuen asked, nobody would just up and burst into his office to only tell him that.

"On their way back they stumbled upon a battlefield in a forest. There were dead Mist ninjas and who they identified as three members of the Hoshigaki clan. Everyone besides the little girl is dead, they're bringing her back now." He informed then traditionally bowed before the Hokage.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, taking another puff from the pipe.

"Keep me updated," he said and the jounin disappeared in a whirl of leafs

A Hoshigaki you say? Interesting...


POV: Sumiko

I've been awake for a while now, but I haven't made any movements to make it known.

Or so I thought

From what I could tell I was once again being carried by somebody, only this time I was on their back. I used my nose and ears to gather all the information I could, for all I knew I could be captured by those guys from before.

Anyways, I was certain that there was more than just 1 person. We were moving fast so with the wind interrupting my hearing combined with their quiet voice I couldn't catch much besides that I was surrounded by multiple people.

I mentally whined, why am I constantly waking up to strangers carrying me! It's so not cool!

"Maybe if you weren't constantly falling unconscious things like this wouldn't be so common."

I knew that voice all too well.

Lumire, how are you- never mind, we'll talk about this later. I hear my captures talking again.

As I refocused on the conversation I could hear Lumire snickering in the back of my head.

"So you gunna stop playing dead kid? All that sniffing is starting to get really annoying." Said the man who's back I was on.

Embarrassed from being suddenly called out I carefully opened my eyes, thankfully I wasn't immediately socked in the face. With my eyesight restored I glanced at all the people around me. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't recognize anyone because they all wore masks with animal faces painted onto them. The only thing I could identify was their hair colors, the one who was carrying me had white hair that somehow stood up, a female with purple hair, a man with brown hair, and finally a kid? who had black hair.

None of them seemed to care that I was fake sleeping and kept running along like I wasn't even there to begin with. The group was very quiet only communicating through barely audible whispers and sign language I didn't understand. They also wore the same uniform which consisted of light-dark colored armor, the only thing setting them apart was their masks.

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