I Walk Through The Door With You

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I was so nervous. I had never gone with dad on his Marvel press tours. All around me were his costars, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth. This list went on and on. I was hanging out, off to the side, trying my hardest to not get in the way.

Dad and Jeremy Renner were getting to do an interview with Josh Horowitz for MTV. "Paul Rudd. Jeremy Renner. Thank you for being here today. We're gonna play a little game called, 'Name that Avenger'. Let's see how well you know the bodies of your fellow Avengers."

"Extremely well." Renner says.

"What is this?" Josh asks. "What body part and who is that?" Dad and Jeremy both make faces of disgust and I have to put a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out.

"I dunno. Hulk's nuts?" Dad asks, causing everyone to bust out laughing.

"No, no, it's a goatee. It's Downey!" Renner yells.

"Look at that, that guy knows what he's talking about." Josh says.

"Oh man!" Dad says, hamming it up for the cameras.

"Yes!" Renner yells, thrusting his hips up out of his chair. I can't keep my giggle in anymore and it slightly slips out. I silently apologize and go to my phone, scrolling through Instagram to distract myself.

I'm brought back in when he shows them a set of abs. "That looks like Hemsworth's abs." Dad says, right out the gate.

"Yeah, you knew that way too quickly." Josh tells Dad.

"Not from me. My oldest daughter is a fan." He explains, waving back to me, all of them laughing as they see how red my face is.

They do a couple more before Josh announces that it's the last one. "It's either the chest of the Winter Soldier or my ass." Dad answers confidently.

"That's Chris Evans's butt." I say quietly, but they all pick it up.

"Listen to the young one. She knows," Josh says as they all laugh.

"My daughter, ladies and gentlemen." Dad announces. Josh shakes their hands, and the cameras stop recording, interview over.

I walk up to all of them. "I am so sorry." I say to Josh as I shake his hand.

"Don't be. I've been doing this a while. My editors and the fans are going to love it."

"As long as you're sure."

"Definitely. You have a great day now," he says as he waves goodbye as him and his crew leave the soundstage.

Dad approaches me. "Relax. It's ok. You heard Josh. It'll be fine."

I nod, evening out my breathing. "Was that the last interview for the day or is there still something else?"

"A group of us are heading over to the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to do a bit and then we'll be done. Do you want to come or go back to the hotel?"

"I'll come and see Jimmy. It's been a while." I say with a smile. I gather my bag and we're escorted to a fleet of cars for everyone that is traveling. As fans who were lined up, crowd the cares in hopes of seeing who was inside, I throw my hoodie up and sit back in my seat.

Dad looks at me, impressed. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I'm just impressed with how you handle all of this."

"I grew up in this Dad. It was either adapt or go insane."

"Still. There's been plenty of kids who let their parents' celebrity go to their heads. You've just stayed who you are, your whole life."

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