Delilah's POV

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Life has a funny way of fucking up your life. Crappy shit is handed to you at every turn and when you think things have finally made a turn for the best, BAM. Life throws you a damn curveball. It especially enjoys screwing with your love life, I swear it loves breaking your heart time and time again. It dangles what you want in front of you, just barely out of reach and then, when you get close enough to grab it, it gets yanked away. Like your first love, you never forget who they are or how they made you feel. You will always remember them for the rest of your life whether you want to or not. They will always be a part of your heart. Even when they are gone from your life, they will always be in the back of your mind. No one will break your heart as much as your first love.

~ 20 years ago ~

"Kids, come here!" Mom yelled for us. Devin and I ran down the stairs and to the living room. I froze in the doorway, staring at the boy standing by the couch. He was really cute and had really pretty blue eyes.

"Hi! I'm Devin and this is my twin sister Delilah."

"Hi! I'm Kade." He blushed when he looked at me.

"Hi." I said softly.

"Do you want to come play in my room?" Devin asked.

"Sure." I watched as the two boys took off running. I looked back to the couch and saw a lady sitting there with a baby. I walked over to them.

"Hi, I'm Delilah, what's your name?"

"Hi sweetie, my name is Sarah. I'm Kade's mommy." I blushed at his name.

"Miss. Sarah, what's the baby's name?"

"Her name is Lucy." She tilted the baby towards me and I squealed.

"She's so cute! Hi Lucy, I'm Delilah. How old is she?"

"She just turned one." The little girl giggled and grabbed my fingers. "I think she likes you."

"I like you too. When you get bigger we are going to be best friends." I sat there and played peek-a-boo with Lucy. After a while, the boys came running downstairs and into the living room.

"Guess what?" Dev smiled.


"Kade and I are going to be best friends." I pouted.

"I thought I was your best friend." A tear fell from my eye at the thought that he didn't want me around anymore. Kade came over and grabbed my hand.

"Don't cry Lily. The three of us can be best friends." He smiled at me and my face got hot.

"What about Lucy?"

"She's too little, maybe when she gets bigger."

"Okay. We will be best friends, always." I grabbed Dev's hand with my other one.

"Forever," The boys said at the same time.

~ Present ~

"Delilah! Hurry up! He's going to be here any minute." My mom yelled up the steps. I'm staying at her house for the weekend because her birthday is tomorrow, and then I'll be here next weekend for mine and my brother's 25th birthday. I live an hour away, in the city, with my fiance, Noah. We've been together for three and a half years. He proposed to me six months ago. I haven't told my mom or brother yet. He'll be here tomorrow and we are going to tell them together, though how mom didn't notice the ring on my finger, I don't know. He'd be here tonight, but he has an important dinner meeting for work. He inherited his father's design and architectural firm when he turned 25 last year. He's busy a lot with different projects so we don't get to spend time together as much as we would like. I was working at the cafe down the street from his building. Every day around lunch, he would come in for coffee. He would always flirt with me and I ignored it at first but I finally gave in, and we exchanged numbers. I still work at the cafe even though Noah keeps telling me I don't need to. I want to save up money to open up my own cafe. And I want to do it on my own. His parents don't like me because I don't come from money, I definitely don't fit in with his crowd, they are all rich and pretentious assholes. I walked down the stairs to wait on the front porch with mom. My twin brother Devin, flew in for the next two weeks. We haven't seen him in person in over a year. It's usually just a face-time call. Him and I have always been close, he's my best friend, so it's been hard not seeing him. It's always been just us and mom our whole lives, so we take care of her now. I'm the closest so I visit her the most. 

Her First LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora