"Higher than we were on that camping trip Mr. Cooper took us on in Sixth Form and Peter Smith was passing around those brownies."

"Oh my god, you're wasted!" Mica concluded, letting out a high-pitched noise of excitement that just about pierced her eardrum. "No, but seriously, how did it go? Are you... okay?"

Kaia smiled up at her best friend and nodded, taking his hand in her free one and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm okay."

"Promis, juré, craché?" [Promised, sworn, spat, which roughly translates to like some sort of really strong promise like a pinkie promise, or scout's honour. Originally, it's when you would swear and make a promise by spitting in your hand and shaking on it.]

Kaia held out her pinkie, her grin widening as Mica locked his pinkie around hers. "Promis, juré. You're stuck with me for all eternity."

"Good," he mumbled, nodding tightly before releasing Kaia's hand and giving her hair a little ruffle. She could see it in his expression just relieved he was, moving to grab a chair and push it right next to the bed. He had probably been worried sick, just like Taylor, but Mica was always so good at keeping it together for everyone's sake.

"Do you guys want anything? I'm going to go grab some coffee," Taylor said, dropping her feet to the ground.

"Yeah, a latte would be nice, actually," Mica told her with a little appreciative smile.

"Sure! Babe? You want anything?"

"I'm weirdly craving some strawberry milk. Am I allowed to have milk?"

"Probably not, I don't know what the rules are," Taylor chuckled softly. She leaned down and caught Kaia's lips in a chaste but sweet kiss before turning to leave. "I'll be right back."

Kaia watched as the blonde shrugged on the denim jacket with fleece lining she stole from her and stepped out into the hallway.

"Okay, so, I don't know if you're up for it, but I was like, deep cleaning my closets the other day, and guess what I found?" Mica started, holding his backpack in his lap and unzipping it.

"A rat?"

"Aha— ha, hilarious, actually. Ever considered starring in a comedy? I think you'd find more success than in all those dramas," Mica snapped at her as he rummaged through his bag.

"I have actually, but only if it's an Adam Sandler movie," Kaia responded, watching with a smirk as Mica slowly lifted his head and looked at her like she had just grown an extra head.

"Okay, weirdo. Look what I found!" He went back to the original topic, pulling out two Nintendo DSs. One was all black which was his, and the other one was white and Kaia remembered losing it somewhere years ago, and this whole time it was just hiding in Mica's closet!

"No fucking way!" She gasped, reaching out with her hand for the device. "Oh my god, do they still work?"

"Yup! Charged them last night and everything! They still work perfectly!" Mica told her excitedly, handing Kaia her DS and turning his on. "Annnnd I found Mario Kart!"

"Oh, I fucking love you!"

They set up the game and after a little argument over who got to be Yoshi, they started the game on Rainbow Road. Neither of them got Yoshi to settle the argument without a bigger fight, but it was still great nonetheless.

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