1: Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya, an ordinary Student of UA General Education. Just an average person that no one will look twice because he is too plain.

But under these disguise is a terrifying Assassin that had been working with the Pro Heroes for about 2 years already. He had multiple license under his name that had been in use since then.

Currently, He is in Nezu's office playing chess to his secret personal teacher.

“Izuku…” Izuku's look to his teacher and focus on him.

“Sensei?” He asked while attacking the pawn of Nezu using Knight.

“I would like to ask for a favor…” Nezu calmly said as Izuku look at Nezu with calculative eyes.

In just a second, Izuku managed to immediately knew what Nezu wants.

“You want to ask a favor on blowing up their big head…” Izuku immediately said.

“The class 2-A is getting cocky because they are already in par of a normal hero and was even famous because of the constant villain attack and incident that they got involve,” Izuku said and move his bishop after Nezu move his Queen.

“Your deduction skills are getting better each day,” Nezu said and chuckle.

“I have a great teacher, that's why,” Izuku reply and smile.

“Checkmate…” Nezu look at the board and indeed, He can't escape those traps that Izuku laid on.

“They shouldn't let their heads got big. There are still much powerful than them,” Izuku whisper. Nezu nodded as they call away the game.

“What are your plans, Izuku?” Nezu ask as Izuku smile.

“Let me handle this. If they accept, then I know what to do,” Izuku said as he took his phone out.

“Ritsu?” Izuku asks, then his phone immediately open. A girl with violet hair appear with a smile.

“Hello, Izuku! Do you need something?!" Ritsu happily ask.

“What time everyone is free?” Izuku asks as Ritsu's background suddenly become a matrix with so much information.

“You're right on time, everyone had at least 15 minutes break,” Ritsu said as Izuku nodded.

“Can you call them all at once using the Green Wire,” Izuku ask Ritsu. Ritsu tilt her head in shock.

“Oh! This is the first time you're using the green wire. I'm sure everyone will answer. Coming through!” Ritsu grin as multiple call got answered immediately.

“I'm asking something to entertain me, I didn't know I will get it immediately,” a grin plastered to his faces after answering the video call.

“Hello to you too, Karma!” Izuku said and sigh.

“What did you do to Izuku, Karma?” Nagisa who just open the video call look at Karma suspiciously.

“I didn't do anything. Tell him, Green bean!” Karma complain.

“That is what you always say when you do something bad,” Okuda said, and sigh too.

“Karma didn't do anything, Manami, Nagisa don't worry,” Izuku said and chuckle.

“See! Told yah!” Karma said while grinning.

After some minutes, everyone already answered the call. Certainly, confused and curious that Izuku use the green wire. Green wire is a call for favors. All of them already use it, and Izuku is certainly the first one to answer that wire.

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