Chapter 16: Battle at Sea Part 1

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"I believe you're the one from the richer side of Los Angeles, if that's the case, one how you made it through basic training is beyond me and two your braindead. In case you forgot those Mongols destroyed Pearl Harbor killed thousands of people, were doing this to ensure the safety of the United States and our families because those people can reach us, and we won't let them" Richard finished, and the gunner zipped his mouth and continued eating as did everyone else.

The team ate their dinner with the occasional conversation popping up here and there, finishing their food, the team went to their bunks for the night. John and Iris planted themselves in their bed ready for the next day.

"John, you still awake?" Iris whispered

"Barely what is it?" John asked groggily

"Are you really okay with me being your gunner?" Iris asked, the question confusing John

"Of course, I am, if I wasn't I would've let them put you in a sanitation job. I don't care about your skin color Iris, its means nothing to me were fighting a war now and in war differences need to be put aside because now were all brothers regardless"

The two laid in silence now, John waited for Iris to say something in response, but nothing came, "Goodnight, Iris".

The Next Morning

On the bridge of Yorktown and the fleet looked at the approaching other navy fleet led by the USS Hornet that will join Yorktown in sea patrol. In the skies miles and miles away from the fleet a squad of three F4F Wildcats flew in formation, scouting the sea for possible enemy activity or ships of Asian or European origin that the fleet could take note of. The pilots yawned in boredom but the nice breeze from the open canopy's was nice.

The pilot on the left side of the V looked out to his left and looked at the clouds passing by. Then the three planes passed through a small clearing and in the distance the pilot saw a massive fleet of ships. Blinking in shock and shaking his head and rubbing his eyes he looked again but saw clouds, speechless he stared in that spot for a few minutes until they entered another clearing again. The pilot was not dreaming or hallucinating he did indeed see a massive fleet of ships, "Ships to the south!" the pilot called over the radio.

The leader turned his plane towards the south and the other followed, breaking from cloud cover the planes laid eyes on the open ocean and that massive fleet of ships with hundreds of ships that were smaller than their aircraft carriers. "Jesus Christ warn the fleet!" the leader exclaimed; the right plane of the V formation radioed back to the carrier of the threat. "We can't fight that, return to the carriers quickly" the planes turned and high tailed it back to the carriers.

John's POV

Me and Iris waited on the carrier's deck for the squadron leaders that were in the briefing room being briefed on the situation. Our planes were armed with a single 1,000-pound bomb under the fuselage and two 650-pound bombs under the wings. Glancing to Iris he had his arm rested on the fuselage of the plane and his head was bowed down, his hand was shaking, and his hand became a fist a few times, "Iris" I said in a firm tone, his head snapped up to look at me and I saw the fear in his face.

"Iris, we going to be fine, you will be fine, I will see it personally that we make it back on this carrier but if we are to do that, I need you covering my ass with that gun, do you understand?" I said firmly, my eyes staring into his, he nodded and took a deep breath.

"Squad leaders on deck man your planes" the carriers on deck PA system announced and me and Iris scrambled into our plane and got ourselves set. Before I buckled myself in, I stood up and twisted around getting a clear view of Iris in his seat, patting his canopy window he turned around. "You'll be okay, protect me and I'll protect you" was all I said before sitting back in my seat and buckling myself in.

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