He nodded his head furiously and ran off to his clothes. I went to find him his batman swimming trunks and a t-shirt with some shoes. This town was hotter so I decided to take some sun cream so he wouldn't get burnt.

Once I gave him his clothes to get changed into I looked for some for myself. I decided on my black bikini. Over it I put on a white crop top so my favourite tattoo was visible. The tattoo was of a few birds and the words, 'Inhale the future, exhale the past' and it was on my lower back, it meant a lot to me. The birds travel all the way up to my neck, so part of it was also peeking out of my top. I also put on a pair of denim shorts and white converses.

I went to the mirror to do my hair. I put it up in a plain ponytail and just stared at the girl who was staring back at me in the mirror. Her green eyes were duller than they used to be, her hair even looked lifeless. The smile on her face didn't reach her eyes, not like when her little brother was around. The 17 year old girl staring back at me in the mirror was me.

After this I gave Dylan a little breakfast, then went outside with Dylan to my motorbike. Strapping on his helmet for him, I started driving to the beach.


On the way here-the beach- I saw a gym so I would have to check it out another time. I had enough money for food as well as one month's rent but I still need to find an apartment.

I took off Dylan's helmet and put it away. Once he saw the beach in front of us he took off. Running to him, I saw that he was already sitting down in the space he wanted to stay. So I took off the bags and towels and placed them down.

Just as Dylan was about to start running off to the sea I clutched him to me and took his top off. Before he could protest I squirted some sun cream on him. I didn't want him getting burnt. His bright green eyes widened as I did this and he started squirming. I only held on to him tighter and rubbed in the cream. Letting him go I made sure that he waited before going into the sea.

I started taking off my top, shorts and shoes and as I looked over at Dylan I saw him building a sand castle. I rubbed some sun cream on me and helped him. By the end of it we built a massive sand castle and he couldn't wait any longer to get in the sea. So I put him on my shoulders and ran with him still on my shoulders to the sea.

"Aaaaahhhh," he screamed as I ran. Although he was screaming you could still see the grin on his face and hear the little giggles that escaped his mouth.

Getting closer to the sea, I started slowing down and placed Dylan on my waist. I walked in with him, smiling as I did so. I loved to see him having fun, when I was at the gym or fighting I would always feel guilty for leaving him. Even though I left him with my old neighbour, the guilt would still be there.

That reminds me, I have to find someone who would be willing to look after Dylan.

Suddenly, I felt something wet on my face. I turned to look at Dylan to see him laughing at me.

"You-r fa-c-e," he managed to choke out between laughs. I fake glared at him and put him down. Splashing some water at him, he stopped his laughs and looked at me seriously. That was how our splashing war began.

10 minutes later and we were just ending our splashing war. Of course I let him win and he wouldn't stop bragging about it.

"I won! I won! You lost!" He chanted to me. Looking back to where our stuff was placed, I stopped in my tracks. A boy, no older than 20 years old, had just run over the sand castle me and Dylan took time in making. The sand castle Dylan and I just made.

I made sure Dylan was by our stuff and marched right over to him. He and all of his buddies were laughing. Though when they saw me, the looks they were giving me made me look at them with disgust.

"Hey babe, did it hurt?" The boy that knocked over the sand caste asked. I was confused as to what he said.

"What?" I replied stupidly. What was he on about?

"When you fell from Heaven?" He explained. I rolled my eyes at the attempt of a pickup line. What did I look like, some bimbo?

"No, but I did scrape my knee crawling up from Hell," I answered back smoothly. It's not the first time somebody has used that pick up line on me. All around me I could hear the laughter of the boys surrounding me and a few 'ooohhs' and 'burn', but I ignored it.

"Sky," came a voice running up behind me. I instantly recognised it as Dylan's. I turned around and faced him.

"Yes," I responded as I put him on my hip.

He pouted," I'm hungry." I sighed,

"How about we get some ice cream?" I knew he couldn't say no to ice cream. Just as expected he nodded vigorously as his eyes brightened at the idea of ice cream. We rarely got ice cream but I knew that he deserved it.

"Can we get ice cream with you guys?" The boy from before asked me, I had completely forgotten they were here. As I took a closer look at him I noticed he was shirtless but I didn't dwell on the fact that I was surrounded by shirtless boys. Instead, I looked at his face, he was handsome, his blonde hair was blowing in the wind and his green eyes were twinkling with hope.

I didn't even feel guilty for what I said next. "No," I declined his offer but Dylan seemed to think differently and whispered in my ear,

"Please let him come, he looks sad." Looking at Dylan I noticed he looked sad that I passed up his offer, I didn't like seeing Dylan sad. Dylan was quite a shy boy at school, but once he becomes accustomed to a person, he is loud and confident.

"Yes," I said before I even had time to process it. Dylan jumped out of my arms with excitement, punching the air. He never saw any friends of mine, mainly because I didn't have any, I couldn't have any, so of course he was happy. He wanted me to get as many friends as possible. But looking at him now, he looks so happy and I would do anything to keep it that way.

What have I gotten myself into?

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