-Mountain zone part.2-

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She spun on her self to the Nomu, forming thick needles of iron from her blood and shooting them out from her palm into the hand of the Nomu, making the one she shot release its grip on All Might while his other side was frozen solid.

"I heard about you bastards plan. About each of your roles in your scheme to kill All Might." Shoto's voice came just as Eijiro tried but failed to hit the hand villain.

"SHIT!! I HAD HIM!!" He yelled.

"NO FUNNY BUSINESS OUT OF YOU, YOU SHADOW ASS MOBLING!!" Katsuki yelled at the warpgrate villain.

"The symbol of peace won't go down as easy as you clowns." Shoto said as calm as ever.

"Seriously, This is why you wanted to recruit me? I guess you are just THAT weak without me." Kuroka grinned.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Izuku called out as they stood between him and the hand villain.

All Might freed himself from the Nomu and jumped away, standing between the students and the villain.

"Don't move!! Or I'll blast your head off!! If the shadow-mist were your true form and you had no actual body then why would you have called any attack 'dangerous'!!? The second you so much as twitch I'll load you with a nice explosion right here, right now." Katsuki threatened, sparks popping on his skin.

The Nomu suddenly freed itself and launched at Katsuki.

"Move Pomeranian!!" Kuroka kicked him away, looking over her shoulder at the oncoming punch.

Next second she was next to Izuku.

"Y-you dodged?! Wow!!" Izuku said as she stood, limbs slightly shaking.

"No... I didn't, it was..."

The dust cleared and All-Might was stand where she had had been.

She heard nothing, ears ringing as she stared at the guy and what she almost got wrapped up in, if only she had not thrown the paper away she could have been on the wrong side of this fight from the start.

"NO!! PLEASE ESCAPE!!" She heard All Might which snapped her back into the present.

And soon the bird brain with extreme regeneration was fighting All Might, blow for blow matching them, creating so much wind it was pushing everyone back.

She bent over and pulled another rod of metal out of her blood and stabbed it in the dirt to keep herself grounded.

She gasped when with one final punch the villain went flying.

And as the warpgate almost attacked All Might, Izuku jumped off the ground, flying at it, legs broken.

"IZUKU!!" She threw her rod of metal as fast as she could with her quirk as the hand reaching through the darkness aimed at Izuku and she knew it meant nothing good.

A bullet stabbed into the hand before her rod impaled it too.

"Izuku..." She coughed. "Not again." She grabbed her chest, she hated when this happened, it was a suffocating feeling, she hated it.

She got to her feet, hoping it would wear off and jogged towards All Might and Izuku before a cement wall burst from the ground between her and him.

"Everyone gather at the gate, now, leave the injured to the care of your senseis." Cementoss said.

"Yes..." She muttered.


"--eryone's pretty much unharmed." She only listened a little.

"YOU!" She felt a slap to her face.

"Momo..." She said, lifting a hand to her cheek, chest heavy.

"YOU!! KAMINARI ALMOST DIED IF IT WASN'T FOR THE PROS AFTER YOU ABAN--" Her hearing started the dampen and ended up leaving.

She grabbed over her heart.

"Hey are you listening?!" Mom yelled, more out of how scared she was to see a classmate almost die and another one abandon them when they needed them but when she looked at the latter she stopped her rant, calming instantly. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked tho the other girl didn't look up at her.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK EXTRA!!?" Katsuki yelled when Kuroka's back leaned against his shoulder and shoved her.

She fell down easily, collapsing into a heap on the floor, panting for breaths.

"What? S-some get help!" Ochaco gasped in worry as a worried mutter ran through the class.

A Heroic VillainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat