꧁⊱Chapter 21⊰꧂

Start from the beginning

      "Excuse me, miss. Here's some money. It should last you and your son a while." The blond woman looked up at me with pink eyes, her mouth agape when she saw the amount of money within my soft palm. Her son stared at me with curiosity.

      "I couldn't possibly take that much from you, ma'am.." The dirtied woman said, still staring. I laughed gently.

      "I insist. I can tell you love your son dearly." She slowly reached her hand out, taking up the money into her own rough palms. "I hope your stomachs will be filled." I waved goodbye and made my way back to my dear Alastor.

      "You have a heart of gold but the hunger of the devil, my love. No wonder why I fell for you, my precious doe~." I smiled gleefully and we hooked arms and continued our journey. As the minutes passed with our rhythmic walking, I found myself zoning out. Thinking about all the future possibilities made me smile. Alastor and I would be getting married soon, and perhaps we could start a family. Either naturally or adopt! All these images of hopes and dreams flowed through my imagination, causing me to grin. Oh, how I hoped nothing bad would stop those hopes.

      "Darling?" I looked towards Alastor, blinking.

      "Yes?" I answered, confused as to why he called out to me with the concerned tone.

      "We're here, you weren't exactly down to earth, my love." His other hand reached towards my hand and rubbed it softly.

      "Oh! Sorry, I was daydreaming there. Shall we go in?" I said with a smile. Alastor chuckled with a nod, opening to door to the building for us both. The place smelled of baked goods and seasoning you sprinkle upon meat. The place was still in business, so my guess is that this place isn't exactly cheap. Only Alastor would go for the top quality foods. The place was decorated with colors of yellow and blue, multiple shelves filled with baked goods for display. Excitement had me bouncing on my toes and my eyes darting around. Where would we even start?

      Knowing Alastor, I'd have to narrow things down. Filter through it all. Nothing too sweet, he hated sweets, and nothing too bitter, I hated bitterness. So for the cake, I'd have to look for the perfect kind. One that didn't have too much chocolate nor too much frosting. Or at least too much frosting that was sweet. My eyes swept through the area as I analyzed further possible options. Meat. I think we both agreed without agreeing that something with meat would be our main course. Venison, maybe? I knew that was one of Alastor's favorites, and I do love myself some meat.

      I heard footsteps near the front counter, and so my eyes snapped towards the area. And there's where I saw a blond lady with her hair neatly done. Her red lips turned into a polite smile as she rested her arms on the counter.

      "Welcome! You must be here to find the perfect wedding cake!" Alastor turned towards her as he responded to her.

      "Why, yes, we are! And please do show us your finest options along with the rest, my fiancee deserves to have a wedding a queen would." That fluttering feeling seemed to never stop around him. I looked up at him and giggled happily. Oh, he made me feel so loved and cherished.

      The lady chuckled at us. "Well," she started. "What are your preferences?" I stepped towards the counter as my arm slid out of Alastor's to get close with this helpful woman.

      "I have a well idea of what we'd both like," I glanced at Alastor then back to her. "See, he doesn't like anything sweet, but rather bitter. While I love sweet goods. So, nothing too sweet but not too bitter. Will that be an easy filter?" I questioned hopefully. "I'm {Y/N}, by the way. You are..?"

      "Camille!" She then tapped on her chin thoughtfully. "I think I have a selection of cakes you both would enjoy..." I beamed at her response.

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