Chapter 26

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*tw, this chapter involves death, murder, and gore. Read at your own risk*

Soft, dark curls bounced up and down in anticipation as the Dodge Durango pulled up in front of the two men.

Calum had been more excited than usual to finish his shift. He used to like it because that meant he could wind down, relax, and prepare for the next day. Recently, it meant he got to spend the evening with his boyfriends.

    But tonight, it meant he got to take the Next Step!

"Where are we going?" Calum asked, smiling at Ashton as he opened the back door to allow him into the car. Michael had pulled up to the sidewalk outside the hospital where his 2 boyfriends were waiting for him. Luke was sitting shotgun, grinning at Calum as he greeted the others.

"You'll see, babe, it's a surprise," Michael told him, having already discussed with Ashton earlier in the evening where they'd be going. Michael was so glad things had improved. He wasn't sure how this final test was going to go, Ashton had kept that a surprise, but he hoped Calum was ready for it. He had no idea what it could be, but he knew he would pass and they could finally do what they wanted.

Calum frowned in confusion when 20 minutes later they showed up to the park where he'd stolen clothes from a homeless person. Luke too looked a bit perplexed, but he knew whatever Ashton had in mind was fine. They all trusted Ashton wholeheartedly.

"What are we doing here?" Calum asked, waiting for Michael to come around and open his door. Michael and Ashton always did that for him and Luke when the two younger men were sitting in the back. Calum thought it was sweet.

"You're taking your final test before we truly can get on with Helping," Ashton told him. At Calum's hurt look, he continued explaining. "We know you're ready, Cal, but we also need to make sure you truly know what you're doing. Tell me what Helping really means,"

Ashton looped Calum's arm through his and started them down the path. It was nearing dusk, the sun having already set most of the way. Dark clouds covered the bits of orange and navy that painted the sky as the stars started to peek out. Street lamps buzzed above their heads, casting yellow-orange shadows on the brick as they travelled along the path, deeper into the park.

"When we Help someone, we let them achieve goals that most people don't want to recognize because they're too selfish to give the sick person what they truly want. A lot of times, it's people who aren't DNR's but they should be because putting them through a full code would be harming them more. So we Help them pass along to a better place so they're not in pain anymore," Calum explained cheerfully, looking at Ashton with a smile. The man was looking forward, lips etched in a straight line.

Michael and Luke were behind them, walking hand in hand. Michael had rolled his sweatshirt sleeve down so it covered their hands because Luke always got cold when they were outside at night.

He didn't understand what Ashton was doing, he couldn't see his boyfriend's face, but by the way his shoulders hunched over and the shake of his head, he knew he didn't like Calum's answer. Luke looked at him, but he only shrugged.

"We kill people, Cal. That's what we do. We kill them because keeping them alive is torturing them."

"I m-mean, I said that, we H-help them--"

Ashton abruptly stopped, tugging Calum back to him so his arm didn't detach from it's socket.

"No. I need you to say the actual words. What does 'Helping' really mean, Cal?"

Michael understood. He wondered if Calum was too far in his fantasy land, unrealistic ideals of what they were doing to understand the nitty gritty. He too had worried that once Calum really came to grasp what they did, he would freak out again. It all made sense now.

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