Chapter 8

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Michael left the morgue, taking the shortcut through the neuro step down unit to get to Ashton. The bleach blonde had talked to Luke and they planned their breaks around Ashton's so the three could have lunch.

    Today, they were going to meet Calvin.

    Michael was pretty sure Ashton was making it a bigger deal than it needed to be. He knew how Ashton could be; the man only had soft spots for two men. He had a tendency to hate everyone and everything that wasn't Luke and Michael. Don't get him wrong, that worked out well (for Luke and Michael, at least), but he genuinely had no idea how horrible Calvin was going to be—or if he was going to be wonderful.

    "Hi, Michael, what are you doing up here?" He heard a voice ask. He looked up, one of the aides smiling and waving enthusiastically at him as he walked onto the unit.

    "Hey, Alyssa, how are you?"

    "Good, it's nice to see you," She smiled charmingly.

    "Likewise," he nodded, running his fingers through his hair as he observed the busy people around him. Alyssa took the gloves off her hands and threw them into a nearby trash can, sanitising her hands and walking towards Michael. "I'm here to find my boyfriend," he said, still looking for the tall brunette, or for a curly haired man with a mullet. Either would work.

    "Oh," Alyssa deflated. She'd been volunteering to go on trips to the morgue, just to see Michael. She hadn't realised he was taken. "Who's your boyfriend?"

    "Uh, Ashton?"

    Alyssa nodded.

    "He's with a patient in 33 right now. I'll let him know you're here." she smiled and walked away. Michael went to the nurses station.

    Two nurses were sat in chairs, both typing like their lives depended on it, eyes laser focused on the screens in front of them. He knew how important documentation was to these people, he wasn't surprised how big of a deal they made it.

    A few minutes passed before Michael caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

    "Ash!" He called out, directing attention to himself and the brunette.

    "Hey, I'll be with you in a bit, Mike," Ashton called, not breaking his stride as he walked into the med room.

    "H-how do you know Ashton?" one of the nurses sitting in front of him asked. He'd slipped in, Michael hadn't even noticed him appear, wide brown eyes staring up at Michael with innocence and nerves.

    "Oh, he's one of my boyfriends," Michael said. After he said it, he hoped Ashton was out at work, or at least that he didn't care. That Alyssa girl had seemed surprised that Ashton was dating someone, or at least a guy, hopefully that wouldn't be a big deal...

    "One of?"

    "I have two," Michael grinned happily. "We work so well together, the three of us just balance rack other out. Plus, there's never a tie when we're trying to decide where to eat or what to watch," he winked, chuckling as the boy giggled at him. "I'm Michael Clifford, I work in the morgue,"

    "Hi, nice to meet you." The boy held his hand out, eyes not leaving Michael. He had curly dark hair with lightly dyed tips. Michael loved the way his messy curls made his hair look. If he straightened his hair with the dyed his tips, he'd look like an emo kid from the early 2000's, but the curls gave him an ethereal affect. He was mesmerizing. "I'm Calum Hood, I work with your boyfriend."

    "Oh, cool. I hope he doesn't give you too hard of a time," Michael joked, and Calum chuckled lightly. If only Michael knew...

    Michael chatted with the boy for a few minutes before Ashton appeared again. The blonde boy lit up, rushing over before stopping himself from hugging the man.

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