Chapter 21

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The four boys piled out of the car, Calum hesitating and waiting for someone to let him out. He wanted them to show them he wasn't going to run.

Luke opened the door and held out his hand, offering it to Calum. It gave him the choice to trust them (even though he technically didn't have any other options).

"You swear you're going to be good?" Ashton asked, standing in front of him so he was blocked between the taller brunette and the car. He put both hands on Calum's broad shoulders, looking into his eyes with a serious expression. "This is your last chance to back out of this. There won't be as bad of consequences if you tell us now."

Calum took a deep breath.

"No, I promise I will be good,"

This made Ashton smile. He leant down and pressed his lips to Calum's forehead, causing the man to turn bright red.

"That's the answer I wanted. Now let's go,"

They walked off the tarmac and onto the cobblestone path that weaved in and out of the park. Michael was a bit confused as to why Ashton brought them to this park in particular. It was on the outskirts of town, right on the edge of the city, and it was known to be a place for druggies and the homeless to gather. If you looked closely in the bushes or under bridges, you'd find little nests of things and sometimes people if you weren't lucky. But Ashton seemed to have a plan, so he didn't say anything.

"Is it okay if we just walk around for a bit?" Ashton asked, walking on Calum's other side. Luke was still clutching his hand, and Michael was meandering behind them all, keeping a close eye on things.

Calum realized Ashton was talking to him.

"S-sure, I don't mind. I'm just happy to be out here," he breathed in deep. The fresh air was amazing, it wasn't too chilly so his jeans and quarter length sleeved shirt (that really was Luke's) was perfect.

He also realized he liked walking around so much because he was with them. He couldn't believe he was feeling at peace and happy with the other three, which was still concerning to him, (because they were murderers). But they were doing it with the right intention, so was it really bad? Maybe they were right and these people did need their help. He knew for a fact some patients were wrongly suffering because people still living wanted them around, or life had just dealt them an unfair hand. Maybe it would be good to help them move on to the next place.

Maybe Calum could be useful, in a different way now.

Calum knew that was wrong, but he didn't know what to do about it. He could try to escape; he knew if he stayed with them he was going to go further and further into that way of thinking and never get out.

But then Luke squeezed his hand and looked down at him with a smile, and he knew he was a goner anyway. Being without them would be even more wrong. He would do what it took to stay with them.

"Are you ready for your test, Calum?"

"Yeah, I th-think so." I just don't want to have to hurt anybody, Calum thought. They would be helping people move on, that's how he had to think about it, but he didn't want to torture them while doing it. They deserved to go peacefully, not with pain and chaos.

"You're so cute, my precious little baby!" Luke cooed, reaching up to cup his cheek. Calum blushed, unsure how to respond to that.

"Okay, Cal. Your first test is simple." Ashton took Calum's hand from Luke, guiding him to the top of the small hill next to them. It overlooked a large area of the park. Calum saw one person lying on a blanket huddled up, so he probably lived there, a pair of kids riding bikes on the path towards the city—they probably used this as a cut through—and in the darker corner, he saw the homeless people who made camp there. His heart clenched for them. "You're going to walk up to one of the homeless people's camps and take something important from them,"

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