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The word was quickly spread of the Dark Magick's returning and the war, throughout all of Ravanyn. Headmaster, the Wizard Teachers, Other Master Wizards, other Sorcerers and Sorceresses, even some of the Parents from festival day came with. All the Magick's gather in the center of the meet room in the Academy to discuss the plan. Some older year students wanted to help with the battle, the only ones that had staffs if their own.

Sebastian was already planning on going to the Battle without question. When Ciaran, Mara, Rosalyn, and Xolo wanted to go as well, they were given an absolute No from the Adults.

Xolo's Father however reminded Sebastian, Mara and Ciaran's Mother's reminded them how their children's powers have gotta way stronger then it was before they even join the Academy in the first place. Theirs powers have gonna stronger by their friendship, controlling themselves, and their confidence.

Xolo's father tells them that their children are growing up, figuring out how they want to live their life's, making their own decisions. The Parents can't baby and protect their children forever, even if they wanted to. Xolo's Father let Xolo go to the battle, Sebastian and the two mothers, look unsure, Ciaran's mother did notice how his son's powers have gotten stronger, he was now using his powers even more, learning new spells. Growing up, Ciaran wanted nothing to do with his Shadow Magick, and now look at him.

Sebastian, of course let's Rosalyn go to battle, her powers were increasing, plus her stubbornness was taking over her as she was going to the battle regardless of what Sebastian would say.

In Sebastian's eyes, Rosalyn has been stuck trying to be the perfect and trying to win the approval of him, her entire life of him raising her, of him being strict and being flawless. The only place where Rosalyn truly felt she could be herself, besides her guitar and Shiva, was with her best friends. Her greatest strength is with her Friends. She's tried of trying to win his approval. Rosalyn had it all along, and He was too dense to see it and nourish it.

Mara's mother very much dislike Mara's decision to join battle, but at the same time she noticed how much Mara has grown. She was shown to trust Mara much more

She did stifle Mara's development quite a bit. She learned to respect her daughter's authority and exercised her trust in her skill. The feelings of love were mutual, as Mara's main motivations are to be strong like her mother and earn her respect, even if they disagree on certain things. She needs to stop overprotecting her daughters so much.

All the Parents agreed to let their children join battle. As the meeting was going on The Gang were near the cracked door to the meeting, eves dropping on the discussion of the battle.

"You really think they can work this out?" Xolo asks as the Gang walks away from the door.

"They have to, or everyone in Ravanyn are doomed." Ciaran looks at him.

" I heard a few of them, talking about something called the Black Order or something" Rosalyn says.

"What's that?" Mara asks.

"I have no idea" The purple haired girl shrugs.

"Is the Black Order bad or something?" Ciaran looks confused.

"It's worst then Bad" a voice says behind them.
Sebastian, walks out of the room.

"So...this Black Order?"

"Other Villians?"

"More Dark Magick users!"

As The Gang looks concerned, Sebastian walks passed them "Come with me" the teens follow Sebastian into another classroom as he shuts the door. "The Dark Magick's? The ones that attacked the school, plus the one that you all fought? The Dark Magicks are just the goons of the Black Order, Zeta, however isn't the leader of the Dark Magicks, but their her species. There are four members of the Black Order, The Leader: Seth, the Right-hand: Nyx, the others: Zeta and the Black Knight"

The Gang look at each other and back at Sebastian.

"Before we do anything, I need to talk to Rosalyn. Alone" Sebastian looks at the other three teens, including Shiva.

Rosalyn turns to Sebastian looks concerned and confused, then at her friends. They nod in understanding as Mara place a hand on her shoulder before walks out with Shiva and the Boys.


The Gang sit down next to the door and wait for Rosalyn, Shiva was laying in Mara's lap.

After what feels like forever the door opens and they all jump to my feet.


"It felt forever"

Ciaran then notice she's holding something, and her eyes widen "Is- is that a staff? Your own staff?" He also noticed her two bracelets on her left wrist was now outlined in silver, magic from the staff.

"Yes! I am now finally a master wizard with my own staff!" Rosalyn says cheerful with a big smile on her face.

The shaft of Rosalyn's staff is a black metal staff(covered in glowing purple decorative cracks) with a large electric purple gemstone embedded at the top. It has a rather angular and futuristic design and has a large handle-like protrusion, used for holding it.

Shiva jumps into Rosalyn's free arm, clinging onto her "You earned your staff! I knew you could do it!" The cub licks her cheek to death as she chuckled.

Mara let out a whoop and tackle her in a hug "I'm so happy for you, Rozzi!"

Rosalyn laughs and hugs her back.

"Nice Job, Rockstar" Xolo smirked with a hand on his hip.

Ciaran smiled "You'll do great things with your staff, Rosalyn"


It's dusk when they reach the battlefield, which is a valley located between a cliff and the edge of the forest.

Thousands of Dark Magick's are standing on the cliff, roaring. All the Dark Magick's have pale white skin, all with red colored eyes, red curved horns, all wearing black, grey, and red colored battle clothes.

"One Wizard cannot stand against and army, Headmaster!" The Leader of the Dark Magicks shouts.

Sebastian and The Gang run up behind Headmaster after they exit through a portal created by Ciaran.

"It's a good thing he has an army!" Xolo shouts as Ciaran, Rosalyn, Mara, Shiva and the other Magick's ride out of the forest.

Then The Dark Magick's army attacks.

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