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Soon the family went outside to the town hall for the party, Everyone was either dancing to the loud music playing on the speakers or eating barbecue.

"Wow this look awesome"

Kids began running around laughing. Shiva, was riding on Rosalyn's shoulders, as she lays across her shoulders. The winged Jaguar then sniffs the air and the smell of barbecue catches her attention as she grins. The young Magick playfully rolls her eyes and gestures to him that they'll get some food. Her Familiar is always hungry.


After eating some barbecue food, like Corn, hotdogs, and ribs. Rosalyn was walking Shiva was still eating, that hungry Jaguar cub. Rosalyn viewing the party. As she was walking, she heard the sound of grunting coming from behind the back of a house.

There were kids fighting, 12 year old human and Magicks. There was punching and blocking. The Humans caused it no doubt.

Rosalyn was looking from the corner. She slowly and gently backed away and had a mid-turn around but was stopped by someone. A boy about 9 years old "Well, lookie here" The boy then Rosalyn pushed to the ground, backwards.

A 12 year old girl #1 walked up behind her "What a surprise" the girl roughly grabbed Rosalyn.

The other Magicks were on the ground, surrounded by the Human gang, one of them were crouched down holding their stomach, some of them has scratches. "Look what we found, another Freak" she was holding Rosalyn in a somewhat chokehold with one hand. They roughly took off her guitar and threw it to the ground.

She roughly threw Rosalyn forward, as she landed on the ground next to the other Magicks.

"You ok?" A 12 year old female Magick #1 asked the younger girl as Rosalyn nodded.

"You Magicks should have learned, by now" 12 year old Human girl #1 says.

"Your kind is not welcome here" 12 year old human boy #1 says.

"Why is your problem with us? What did us Magicks ever do to you Humans?" A 12 year old female Magick #2 glares.

"Are you guys that insecure about us being Magicks?" 12 year old Magick Boy #1 rolls his eyes.

12 year old Magick boy #2 sighs "That you feel threatened by us Magicks that you need to hurt and attack us? You Humans are crazy!"

"You Humans off your rockers!" Rosalyn spoke up.

"Yeah, what she said!" 12 year old Magick Boy #1 agrees with Rosalyn glaring at the Humans.

"We're taking back what's ours" Major's son says.

"You Magick's have been polluting this world for too long, it only for a matter of time before you magic freaks turn on us" 12 year old human girl #2 says.

Knowing the human kids were going gang up on them, The Magick's kids quickly got up from the ground, they were standing together and got in a defensive stances.

Everyone started fighting, the whole Human kids versus Magick kids. Fight was litteraly seperated into pairs, each Human kid was fighting a Magick kid, Rosalyn was up against the boy that pushed her. Punches and kicks were being thrown as well as dodging. The Magick kids was holding their own against the humans kids without any using magic at all.

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