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They arrived at Sebastian's house, at first Rosalyn was unsure about entering the household, it's been a while since she was in an actual house, that wasn't an clean-like abandoned house, where she lives in along with Shiva. But Sebastian reassured her that everything will be fine.

Sebastian's house had a front yard, backyard, and inside, their was a kitchen, dining room, living room, and upstairs was his room and a guest room.

"Wow" Rosalyn looked around as their were inside.

"Nice place, huh?" Sebastian smirked.

Rosalyn nods as she held Shiva in her arms, who made unsure yowling-like sounds, as they both look around.

"Let me show you, your room"

Sebastian leads Rosalyn up the stairs as enter a room on the right, it was a plain and simple room for now, it was across from Sebastian's bedroom, which was on the left.

"Well, this is your room, it's not much now, but soon you'll get to decorate it the way you want"


"Yes, anyway you want"

"Thanks Sebastian" Rosalyn gave out a small smile as he ruffled her hair.

"Now, this room has everything you need" He sets down the bags of Rosalyn's new clothes on the bed. "I'll let you get settle it, need anything, just ask" He then left the room.

"What do you think?" Rosalyn asked Shiva as she jumped out of her arms and onto the bed and tests it with her paws. She jumps up a lot on the bed "It looks nice, a little bit better then our hideout, I admit"

"Yeah" Rosalyn agreed.


After putting all her clothes away in the dresser, she decided to take a shower, she had her own bathroom with hall closet with wash rags and towels and etc. She noticed that as she walked in her bathroom, Sebastian already had out a folded wash rag and towel on the counter with a bar of soup in a small box. As the young girl showered and washed her hair, which she admitted it was nice, feeling the nice warm water touching her body.

After she took her shower she dried off and put on a pair of her new pjs, a black t shirt with a Royal blue,pink, and purple stars on her right side near the full shoulder and chest area, royal blue pj shorts, after drying her hair she put it in a single braid with green hair tie, her bangs were in her face.

After that she then filled up the bathtub with warm water.

She exit the bathroom and found Shiva sitting in the same spot on the bed, she walks over and picks up her winged furry friend "Bath time"

Shiva's blue eyes widen in fear.


After giving Shiva a bath, which she even had to admit it felt nice even knowing she still hated water. Rosalyn took the baby Jaguar out and dried him off with a towel and softly brushed his soft fur.


As it was night time, Rosalyn was in bed, sitting up as Sebastian sat on the bed and rubbed the sheets. Rosalyn looked at Shiva, who was already curled up fast asleep, softly purring.

Rosalyn had to admit, she felt a bit uncomfortable being in an actual bed for the first time in 2 years, since living on streets, especially at a different house, new surroundings, and a caretaker that wasn't her actual biological parent.

"Nice, cozy bed. Not too shabby, huh?"

Rosalyn looks uneasy. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you still doing all of this?" She couldn't help but wonder. "Usually wealthy adults just try to show off how Rich and not poor they are. They try to look on top above us 'street rats' They don't take us to a restaurant, or an arcade, or even offer to buy new clothes"

"Well, honestly, at first, I wanted nothing to do with this, getting involved in being a caretaker, but now, I really wanna help you start over"

Rosalyn lets out a small tired yawn. "Well...starting over's not easy," She turns around, her back facing him. "Stealing is."

"Look, I know what it's like to be angry at world, and coming from your point of view, you're experience, your right stealing is easy. But, it's when you stop taking things for yourself that you really get the most in return"

"It's not like I wanted to steal in the first place, but Pasha and I were orphaned out on the streets, I did what I had to do to survive and to protect Pasha even if it meant becoming a thief"

Rosalyn then faded away into sleep, snuggling into the blankets, Sebastian sat their for a while before softly ruffling her hair, before getting up and walking towards the door, he turned off the light and closed the door.


After an hour or two of sleep, Rosalyn woke up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning in her bed,

Rosalyn got out of bed and went over to the bed windowsill like bed, with her legs to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs. Looking at the moon and stars.

After a few minutes on the windowsill, she heard ruffling sound.

"Ros?" Shiva asks tied as she was sitting up, rubbing her eyes with her paw.

Rosalyn turns to her "Shiva? What are you doing up?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing" The baby Jaguar yawns. She jumped on the windowsill and climbed to her Wizard's side.

"What you you thinking about, Ros?"

"Everything" Rosalyn responded.

Shiva just looks at her and let's out a few sleepy yawns as Rosalyn stroked her fur "It's just that, Everyone was always turning our backs on us, Everyone. Everyone..well..but him-" She sighs "-and he's trying to help us change and stuff. I don't know maybe, just maybe, give it a shot here and start over and stuff" She looks at Shiva, "I couldn't have said it better myself" The baby Jaguar licked her cheek "I'm always gonna be by you're side, Rosalyn"

The Bonded Wizard and Familiar both went back into bed and snuggles in the blankets, Rosalyn used her hands as purple aura magic flared to life and she shot it up into the air. As Shiva watched, amazed, the magic formed into glowing purple aura doves. The doves flew and spiraled in the air in a mesmerizing dance. It was beautiful.

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