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Today was the Day. Starlight Academy.

Rosalyn was fast asleep in her bed as Shiva was asleep next to her on the separate pillow, softly purring.

Soon Sebastian slowly opens the door, leaned against the doorway and smirked "Rosalyn, time to get up, remember Starlight Academy?" He then exit the room. "Better get dressed, Kid"

A few seconds later Rosalyn slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes and yawned, her hair was a bit ruffled up. She began to gently shake the sleeping Shiva.

"Shiva, wake up"

Shiva sleepily swated her paws "15 more minutes"

"Shiva. Starlight Academy? Remember?"

Shiva then slowly opened her blue eyes as she stretched herself out and yawned "oh right" the cub stood up stretched again before falling back down still sleepy.

Rosalyn playfully rolled her eyes and got completely out of bed. Rosalyn made up her bed and grabbed her yesterday picked clothes for the new school, from her closet and went to her bathroom. Shiva flew over to her water bowl, in a corner of Rosalyn's room and began drinking some water.

As Rosalyn was taking her shower she felt nice as the water was straying onto her skin. After showering she dried her body with the towel and used a spell to dry her hair in a blink of an eye with a snap of her fingers.

She grabbed her clothes and began to put them on. She wore her hair down with grey headphones, a black t shirt with a blue, purple, and pink stars, black Royal blue jeans, a grey belt, Black sneakers, her punk bracelet on her right wrist and a silver chain bracelet on her left wrist.

Once she was done getting dressed she entered her room as as Shiva was sitting on her bed, licking her paw as she stopped seeing his Wizard. "I love the outfit, Ros"

"Thanks Shiva" Rosalyn ruffled the cub's hair tuft.

"Excited for Starlight Academy?" The Jaguar cub asks.

Rosalyn gave Shiva a small smile "Maybe a little"

Rosalyn wore a black t shirt, with a Royal blue, purple, and pink stars, the stars were in started row from largest to smallest. The blue star was the largest, the purple started was the middle sized, the pink star was the smallest. She has Royal blue jeans, with a silver belt, black sneakers. She wore the pink bracelet on her right wrist and a grey bracelet on her left wrist. Grey headphones on her head.

Shiva pounced into her arms arms as she then climbed onto her shoulders. Rosalyn took one last look around her room and exit her bedroom and went downstairs as her luggage was at the end on the stairs against the wall.

The Wizard and Familiar entered the kitchen as they saw Sebastian. "I was just about to call you, breakfast is ready" He turns to face his apprentice.

Rosalyn smiled and walked over to the counter kitchen table and sat down as Shiva jumped down into a chair next to her as she sat up on her hind legs. Sebastian then turned to his apprentice "Here you go, Kid" he placed two plates in front of his purple haired pupil and the winged Jaguar cub. The plates was filled with pancakes, two pieces of bacon, and a slice of toast with butter, But, Shiva plate was only filled with the pancakes and bacon.

Rosalyn smiled, throughout the years of being a surrogate father/daughter, Rosalyn would sometimes spent time with her Mentor by cooking together, like dinner, lunch, and desserts. Sometimes when Rosalyn was still little, she would help Sebastian makes some of her favorite foods like Spicy stir-fried noodle, and Mei Goreng, and her favorite desserts like Cookie cakes. Sebastian would be too perfect in the kitchen in where it was Rosalyn's job to show him that you have to have fun cooking, and it worked on Sebastian, a tiny bit though, considering Sebastian is all about being "Perfect"

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