Chapter 17: Invasion

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(Narrator's POV)

It was chaos in Mantle. The Grimm invaded the city, the citizens were fleeing, and the soldiers on the scene were having a hard time exterminating the monsters, which were growing in number.

A woman and her child hid in an alley behind a garbage can, hoping to escape a Sabyr. The negativity emanating from the two individuals drew the monster to them. The Grimm jumped on the trash can, startling the mother and child, who fell to the ground.

"Over here!" A voice calls to the Grimm, who looked up before getting his head chopped off by a lynx-eyed faunus who jumped off the roof of the building.

"Thank you so much!" The mother said to Dragon as she carried her child in her arms.

"No problem! Go to the nearest shelter!" Dragon says to the civilian, who runs off. The faunus leaves the alley before he sees more Grimms charging towards him. He draws his second Uzi and turns it into a sword.

"A little sport won't hurt me." He says to himself as he gets into a fighting stance.


Some civilians tried to escape by car, but the Grimms invading the road caused accidents. One of the accidents caused a pile-up in the middle of the road, trapping a woman in her car, stuck between two other cars. And if that wasn't bad enough, the fear that the civilian woman gave off attracted a megoliath that threatened to crush her with its paws.

"Help! Help me!" The civilian screamed as she pounded on her door window before a dog-eared faunus jumped on the hood of the vehicle and slammed on the windshield, drawing the civilian's attention. The faunus grabbed her Knuckle, hit the upper left corner of the windshield, cracking it, before grabbing it, ripping the windshield off, pulling the civilian out of the vehicle and taking her away from the path of the Grimm, which crushed the vehicles.

The monster could still smell the negativity given off by the civilian. It turned around and charged at Resare and the civilian. A black smoke passed between the two individuals and darkened on the elephant shaped Grimm. Night reverted to his human form and cut off the left front leg of the Grimm, who fell to the ground, screaming in agony. The young huntsman jumps on the monster before stabbing the Grimm in the back of the neck with his sword, and the Grimm dies instantly. Resare and the civilian joined Night.

"Are you okay?" Night asks.

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much, you two!" The civilian thanks the two huntsmens.

"Perfect. Resare, can you drive her to the nearest shelter?" Night asks.

"On it." The faunus replied before leaving with the civilian.

(From Qrow and Clover's side)

Qrow and Clover were on the roof of one of the buildings. Clover was communicating with the General via his earpiece while Qrow was trying to shoot down the flying Grimms.

"New orders?" Qrow asks before hearing a Grimm roar.

"Let's go!" Clover said to Qrow, ignoring his question.

(Near the wall)

The situation was tense near the wall, Nora, Marrow, Weiss and Krystal were doing their best to get rid of the Grimms and calm the population, but it was complicated. And the more time passed, the more the citizens lost patience. The activation of the alarms was the last straw.

"Take us to Atlas! We won't survive down here!" A citizen asks.

"Why isn't Ironwood doing anything?" Another civilian asked, angrily. More and more civilians were beginning to surround Krystal and Nora

"Please calm down! Give us some time!" Krystal asks.

"We'll keep you safe, I promise!" Nora added before a hologram appeared on the wall behind the citizens. Robyn Hill was live.

"Atlas, Mantle. I know you're scared. I'm here with General Ironwood and we have a message for you. What he has to say may sound unbelievable, but it is all true." Robyn said to the people before turning the floor over to General Ironwood.

"An ancient and terrible evil lies outside of our kingdom. It was responsible for the destruction of Beacon, the attack on Haven, and for the recent attacks on Mantle. This powerful force goes by the name of Salem." The general said to the people.

"He said it..." Krystal murmurs.

"Salem seeks only to divide us, to turn us against each other. If she can incite hatred in us, then we will lure in the Grimms and destroy ourselves." The General continues before Robyn takes her turn to speak.

"Salem herself does not work alone. Her minions have invaded our very city." She says.

"Arthur Watts and Tyrian Callows. These men are the ones responsible for the recent murders in Mantle and for sabotaging of the heating grid. But we cannot let ourselves give in to fear and panic. That is what she wants. Instead, we must unite and fight back, together! Every single one of us!" The General states

"This, my friends, is why I was forced to divertresources from Mantle. For the Amity Communication Tower. Amity Tower is now completed and ready to be launch. It will e-establish all global communications. The concil and I have decided to evacuate everyone in Mantle to Atlas. I am withdrawing all defenses from Amity in order to assist with repelling the Grimms in Mantle." Ironwood tells the population.

"We must put aside our differences and band together to defeat this threat. I fully support General Ironwood's plan." Robyn declared. The population cheered the heroine of Mantle.

(At the hotel)

"Rhaa! I still can't believe those idiots beat us here! Vacuo was supposed to be the next target!" Cinder complains. "The timeline has changed. You said the farm boy has the lamp?" Cinder asks Neo, who affirms with a shake of her head.

"Find him. Take it.I'll take care of our old friend and the Maiden." Cinder says to Neo, who got up and changed into Ruby, annoying Cinder.

"No! We get what I need first! Then we get what we want!" Cinder says to Neo, who has turned into Night.

" Neither! I'm making it personal with him! He may have been a pitiful kid in Pharos and Beacon, but since what happened in Haven, I've been dying to gut him with my own hands!" Cinder growls at Neo, who has turned around with her arms crossed.

"Ironwood's been hiding the Winter Maiden for years. Tonight I'm going to find her." Cinder said to Neo as she walked up to her before taking her Scroll from her. Neo returned to her original form.

"The general's as predictable as his androids. Threaten what he has... and he'll flock to protect it." One-eyed said to her teammate before handing back her Scroll and leaving.


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