Chapitre 12: Worst case scenario

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(The next day, team KNRD's room, Krystal's POV)

With what happened last night, it was a very short night. The Grimms invaded Mantle, Penny went into hiding at her father's house, and Emerald was rushed into intensive care.

I was awakened by coughing coming from the bathroom. I sat up, looked to the side and saw Dragon and Resare sitting on the side of the bed, still in their pajamas.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Night's throwing up." Resare replied.

"With what happened last night, you bet he's sick of it." Dragon replied before sighing. "Poor Emerald..." He whispered. I heard Night flush the toilet before walking out of the bathroom with the back of his hand on the handle. He had slept really badly. His hair was a mess, his complexion was paler than usual and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Uh... You're awake, Krystal..." He said to me in a weak voice.

"Yes... You look sick." I told him in a concerned tone. He lowered his head and looked at his hands. "Is something wrong?" I asked him. He looked up at me before slowly walking over, hands clasped, palm up.

"Can you...get the care package out?" He asked me as he opened his hands. He had dug his nails in to the blood, just like in Beacon.

"It's been a long time since that happened." Dragon said. I got up from the bed and grabbed the treatment kit, which was in the first drawer of the desk.

"Sit on the bed." I asked him. Without saying a word, Night sat on my bed. I opened the care kit and grabbed some cotton and some disinfectant. I opened the bottle and put some disinfectant on the cotton before grabbing Night's right hand and dressing his wound.

"Does it hurt?" I asked him.

"A little bit, but it's still bearable." He replied. I tossed the cotton in the trash before grabbing the roll of bandage and bandaging his hand. I cut a piece of plaster to hold the bandage on. I started to repeat the procedure on his left hand when we heard a knock on the door. Dragon got up and opened the door: It was Ciel.

"Hello, team KNRD. Is Night Sustrai here?" She asked.

"He's there. You just have to open your eyes." Resare replied. Ciel entered the room as I cut another piece of plaster.

"I'm not asking how you slept. Messy hair and dark circles already give me the answer." She told him as I put the care package away.

"What do you want?" He asked her in a weary tone.

"I've come to bring you news about your sister." She answered him. Everyone stared at Ciel.

"How is she?" Night asked her in a concerned tone.

"Well... the doctors had to double the dose of anti-venom than usual and quite a bit of antibiotics... but she's fine, she's continuing treatment, but her life is no longer in danger." She replied. We all sighed with relief.

"She will be able to come out of the infirmary in a few days. For now, she needs to rest." She told us.

"Won't she get bored by herself?" Dragon asked her.

"No, she's in good company." Ciel replied.

"In good company? What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah, that's right... We put her in the same room as the Winter Maiden. It's only for the day, so she won't feel so lonely. The general thought it would be good for both of them." Ciel replied.

"I would like to see my sister. Would that be possible?" Night asked her.

"I'm sorry, but the location of the room where Winter's Maiden is being held is confidential. Only Specialist Schnee is allowed in." She replied. "And you, you need to rest." She added before looking at Dragon and Resare.

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