Chapter 7: Amity Colosseum

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(At nightfall, Narrator's POV)

All the students were gathered in a row in the Amity Colosseum, facing General Ironwood, Winter, Penny, Qrow and Luka. The general spoke:

"It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us. It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here. Now, when the world needs to be brought together more than ever, the road you traveled from our first meeting hasn't been easy. Some of you have fought for your school and your friends at Beacon, and others have sought a way to redeem theirselves. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. This's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior... of Huntsmen and Huntresses." He told the group before Penny approached Ren at the end of the row with a scroll in her hand. She pressed her scroll before doing the same with each student. They all felt their Scroll vibrate, and when they opened it, they got some kind of ID.

"Wait, what is this?" Ren asks Winter.

"You are being granted your Huntsmen licenses, today" Winter said to the group.

"You're getting it sooner than expected, but you've more than earned it." Luka tells them.

"I only regret that I couldn't do something a little more ceremonious for the occasion." The general said.

"I... We... We're honored, General Ironwood." Ruby told him shyly. "But you really don't have to do th-"

"Please. With the threat of Salem still out there, and tensions rising in our kingdom, I certainly could use more trustworthy fighters on my side. I should be so lucky to have all of you." The General cuts her off before smiling at her. "It's okay. It's a big moment. And what better way than to celebrate here? When this tower is ready and communications are back up an running, we'll tell the world about Salem and face down whatever come at us after that, together." He said to the rest of the group. Everyone remained silent. Dragon had hesitated to clap, but held back, already knowing the reaction of his teammates and his girlfriend.

"That's just about all the pomp I have in me... If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running this operation. Um... Well then, enjoy the cake!" The general said to the group before leaving, followed by Winter. Luka was about to follow him but the general put his hand between him and the Valian Master Corporal.

"Luka, how about you use this evening to reconnect with your daughter? It's been several months since you've seen her." Ironwood offered. Luka looked at his daughter before turning back to the general.

"Thanks, James." Luka told him before the general left.

"Your speech outros are improving sir!" Penny told him. Dragon chuckled.

"With everything we've been through, I feel like our work is finally paying off." He tells his friends.

"I almost forgot I signed up for this." Night replies.

"I have to admit... That I didn't expect to get it after helping Salem." Emerald said to the others.

"You made up for it well in Haven, you earned your license as much as we did." Krystal replied.

"Jeez, guys, lighten up a little! Enjoy yourselves for a change. You've earned it." Qrow says to the group.

"Finally! Someone said it!" Nora exclaims. "Let's go kill some cake, Huh? Because I can eat two slices before Ren even eats one! Who says I can't? Who says it, huh!?" Nora asks the others, quite excited.

"Nora, nobody is arguing with you about this..." Ren said to his girlfriend with a jaded look.


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