Chapter 6: $90.01

Start from the beginning

I was laying on the couch when I decided to go investigate some things. I got up off the couch and started to walk to the kitchen.

"I wish you would keep still Natalie." Mason told me, he was sitting on one of the island chairs.

"If you would've left my son with me when you went on that trip then I wouldn't have to do this." I replied as I stood in front of the sink.

Kaleb left his phone on the counter. I picked it up and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't work. I shook it and suddenly felt water all on my feet, I know my water didn't just break so it must have come out of the phone. Why is there water in his phone?

"Did your water break?" Jason and my husband both asked me with wide eyes.

"No, it came from Kaleb's phone," I told them. "It's broken."

"Take this," Jay said, giving me King. I laughed.

"King, you see how mean daddy is to you? Huh?" I said, he just put his hand on my face and his foot on my stomach. "That's your baby cousin in there, yeah?" I told him. 

Jason put his hand down the garbage disposal and he looked confused for a bit. He got whatever was in there out and put it on the counter.

Mas got up and walked over to us. "That looks like an eye..a contact lens?" He says. "So we have a broken phone, and shredded contacts."

"So Rayne woke Kaleb up with a bucket of ice water and I'm guessing his phone was on the bed. The phone worked for like half an hour because he used it. As revenge he took Rayne's contacts and put them in the garbage disposal." I said.

"EJ, look at daddy." Jason told him and EJ looked at him. "Do that thing with your feet that daddy showed you."

EJ smiled and started kicking a little bit. Jason took him out of my arms. "Yeah, keep doing that." He went back in the living room and stood behind Rayne and EJ just kicked her in her head.

"Dad!" She yelled, turning around and staring at him.

"That's only part of your punishment. You will pay for Kaleb's new phone, and I will not pay for your new contacts." He told her as he sat down next to Sariyah. I laughed and sat next to Mason.

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"Hey, watch your tone." He warned her.

"Why do I have to pay for a phone for him if he already has one?"

"Correction, he doesn't have one because you broke his when you 'woke him up'." I told her. "So he mutilated your contact lenses."

"I already gotta buy two cars and a house. If you think I'm paying for another $300 phone then you got another thing comin' baby girl." Mas told her. "Sorry."

"I was just trying to cheer him up." She mumbled.

"You can't cheer him up Ray, especially not with ice water."

"What's wrong with him anyways? He's acting really different." Somi said.

"It's a long story that you should talk to him about." He told her.

Kaleb POV

Me, Ques and Immanel just strolled around the mall for about a hour, doing nothing. I checked out a few fees, but that was about it. Ques is a cool ass nigga, just like I expected; Sommer doesn't date just anybody. I really didn't feel like doing nothin' after I dropped them off at their houses so I found the nearest Walgreens and went in there. I went to the back to the pharmacy.

"Can I help you, handsome?" The lady asked me. She was real pretty.

"Yes ma'am, I accidentally dropped my friend's contact lenses in the garbage disposal. I was wondering if you could give me a new pair or pack, whatever they come in..please?" I said with a smile.

"Accidentally, huh? Well do you have the case it was in and your friend's name?"

"Yeah," I took the case out my pocket and gave it to her. "her name's Rayne Simmons." I told her.

She typed some stuff into the computer. "Yes, this is just standard procedure. What is her birthday and middle initial?"

"January 27th, 1998. C."

"And your relationship with the patient?"

"Cousin." I replied.

"Alright, just give us 15 minutes and they should be ready, Mr..."

"Carter." I told her. She nodded and walked to the back.

I can't believe Rayne broke my phone and I'm actually doing this for her. I'm not about to sit here for 15 minutes so I walked out and to the store next to it, Dunkin Donuts.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked me.

"Can I get a large box filled with four cinnamon rolls, two strawberry danishes, three blueberry muffins and a four apple crumb donuts."

She smiled showing her dimples as she put in my order. "Anything else?"

"Uhh yeah..can I get the biggest cup of Iced Tea you have?"

My mom has been so damn dehydrated with her pregnancy, and all she wants is Iced Tea. Only for her would I do this.

"That'll be $27.43. One second," She said.

She went in the back and came back with something. I took out my wallet and gave her the Platinum card I got for my birthday and she swiped it and gave it back to me along with a piece with her number on it. I looked at her and she winked at me.

"Thanks," I looked at her name tag. "Lea."

I grabbed the big ass bag and my mom's tea and walked out and to my Uncle J's car. I put the stuff in the car and went back in the Walgreens.

"Mr. Carter, your prescription is ready." The lady from before told me when I got back there. "Her insurance doesn't cover this so I need you to sign here and give me 62.58."


I paid anyway, then I signed on the machine thingy and said thank you before I walked out and back to the car.


When I pulled into the garage and closed the door, I didn't want to get out the car. I just wanted to sit there and sulk but I've done enough of that shit. I grabbed the stuff, locked the car, put the key on the hook and walked into the house and to the living room. Everybody stared at me.

"Ma I got you this." I handed her that big ass jug of Iced Tea and she got this big ass smile on her face as she got up and hugged me as much as she could with her growing stomach. I put the bag on the coffee table.

I'm not going to give Ray her contacts just yet, where's the fun in that?

"Thanks, son." Dad said.

"You left your phone on the counter." My mom told me as she took a sip of her tea. "Just tell Rayne which one you want and she's gonna buy it for you."

"Alright. I'll be in my room." I said as I walked out with the Walgreens bag. I could really care less about a new phone; it's not important to me right now.


SEE ! He isn't ALL bad ! what do you think is going on with him ? I made up the prices lol but tell me what YOU want to happen in the next chapter !  I WANT FEEDBACK !

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