Chapter 26

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After giving the squeaky toy to Fiona, he turned to Kobe who stood right next to him with tears in her eyes and said " Kobe, you have to do something for me."

" What is it?" The female cat asked him.

" Take very good care of Puss, will you?" Shrek told Kobe as she nodded her head and said " I will." He looked back at Fiona and said " You know what the best part of today was? I got the chance to fall in love with you all over again." Tears began to form from Fiona's eyes as she leaned her head towards Shrek's face. The hour glass emptied and the light began to glow brightly all around Shrek's body as Fiona kissed him deeply and then he started to fade away into nothing but sparkles and golden dust that began to fade away as she held him.

It seemed Shrek was no more. Then the sun rising behind Fiona, began to shine brightly, illuminating the whole room as she sat there on her knees with tears running down her face, which was still green, to Puss' notice and he said " Fiona, the sunrise! You're ogre."

" He's right." Kobe told Fiona and she looked at her hands knowing they were right.

" True love's form." Fiona commented while examining her body.

" Impossible!" Rumpelstiltskin exclaimed in anger.

" The kiss worked." Fiona said with a smile. Suddenly the wind began blasting and brushing by everyone, also knocking Puss' hat off his head. 

Everyone looked up and saw the magic golden light that brought Shrek here to begin with to eat away at Rumpelstiltskin's castle like mad. All the bricks, shingles and other material of the castle were sucked away in a magical tornado with Rumpelstiltskin yelling " What?!" Suddenly everyone started to puff away into puffs of yellow smoke.

As soon as Fifi started to puff away, the deal maker cried out " Fifi!" Then Donkey, Puss and Kobe were next to fade away and Fiona cried out " Puss!" Before she vanished too. The horrified Rumpelstiltskin twisted in circles in place while shouting in alarm as his whole world around him was tearing apart and disappearing before everything went black.

(After that)
The world changed back to a different world where Shrek was giving his big loud roar from before. Once he was done, he panted and saw where he was.

Turns out, he was back home to his original world and at his kids' birthday party, as if he never left it. It was like the magic of true love's kiss reversed everything to the event he roared. He saw that everyone else in the Candy Apple was left stunned and silent for a bit until they cheered.

" I love you daddy." Butterpants chuckled as he hugged his father. Shrek looked began to smile as he was happy to see his life back and everyone he knew back to normal. Gingy saw one of the Three Blind Mice facing the other way so he turned the mouse around correctly. As everyone was chanting Shrek's name. Wolf slapped a party hat onto the ogre's head and Puss announced that he found another cake.

Shrek looked right next to Puss and saw Max on the table and was happy to see him again, alive.

" Max! You're alive!" Shrek exclaimed excitedly as he picked up his pet gecko and squeezed him too tightly to the point Max couldn't breathe.

" Shrek! You're squeezing me!" Max wheezed out which made the ogre let go and put him down.

" Oh I'm sorry Max. I'm just so glad that you're alive." Shrek told the little gecko with a smile and he looked up at the ogre confused. A familiar voice asked the ogre " Why wouldn't he be alive?" Shrek looked next to the table and saw Kobe in her birthday outfit once again and he smiled saying " Kobe, you have no idea." The grey female cat looked at Veronica in confusion.

" Shrek? Are you okay?" Another voice asked the male ogre. Shrek turned to see Fiona, the way she was before signing his life away. He removed his party hat and went up to hug his wife before she said " Fiona. I've never been better." She smiled warmly and the parents heard their kids playfully roaring. All triplets began roaring and giggling. Shrek was even happy to his kids existing as he went up to them.

" Happy Birthday, Farkle." Shrek said while rubbing his head. He turned to Fergus and said " Fergus, my little man!" Before he turned to his daughter and said " And Felicia, sweetheart."

His baby daughter looked at her father with big, happy, blue eyes. He then reached his pocket and handed her the squeaky plush toy he magically back into this world with and said " I believe this is yours." Felicia hugged the toy tightly and said " Thank you, Daddy."

Shrek picked up his kids and held them tightly and said " Awww."

" Hey, Uncle Shrek! How about giving my babies an encore!" Donkey encouraged the ogre.

" Please, Senior, let us have it!" Puss chimed in.

" Yeah big guy, show us what you got!" Kobe chimed in as well while she along with her brother Georgie, his wife Veronica and their daughter Amy were clapping their hands with smiles on their faces.

The others insisted eagerly. However, instead of a roar, Shrek held his nose and blew a toot through his ears. Then all three of his babies started doing the same thing with their noses and ears.

Their friends applauded including Kobe and Puss waved a little yellow flag while Max, Georgie and Veronica looked at Shrek and his kids with wide eyes and their jaws dropped to the floor. Fiona was astounded and she picked up Farkle saying " I didn't know we could do that."

" I didn't know ogres could do that." Max whispered in Kobe's ear.

" I'm not surprised because I knew he had something special about himself besides his roaring." Kobe whispered back while smiling at the ogre family at the same time.

" That's my best friend!" Donkey cried out in happiness.

" That's my owner!" Max yelled out with excitement.

" That's our foster dad!" Kobe chimed in.

Shrek Forever After (Aranea2020 Version) AKA Story continuation!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum