Chapter 10

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Sometime later, Shrek was lying down asleep somewhere as another familiar voice was heard singing outside and turns out the singing was from Donkey.

" Donkey, stop with the singing, will you?" Shrek groaned as he was annoyed with Donkey's singing.

" Hey you! Big, green and ugly, wake up!" Kobe's voice snapped softly at the ogre to wake up. Shrek's eyes opened in realization. Donkey's voice continued to sing and Shrek had enough.

" Donkey!" Shrek yelled as he hit his head on the ceiling. When the ogre looked around, he saw that he and Kobe were in some sort of cage on wheels. Donkey's voice continued singing to the point Kobe started to cover her ears to block out the sound.

" When will this mule ever stop singing?!" Kobe thought to herself complaining about how loud and annoying the donkey was singing.

Shrek peeked out and saw Donkey looking fuzzier and pulling the carriage both Shrek and Kobe were in.

" Donkey, where am I? What's happening?" Shrek quietly asked the singing donkey as Kobe glared up at the ogre. Above them, there were two witches on top of the cage in charge of driving.

" Quiet down there!" Cage Witch #1 yelled at the ogre which startled him and Kobe at the same time before she complained saying " Oh, I hate this song." She whipped Donkey, making him yelp as he sang a different song.

" Oh great, not only did I get kidnapped by this monster and taken by witches with him, I have to listen to an annoying ass that can't even sing good!" Kobe thought to herself as she just sat there inside the cage with her arms crossed as she wasn't used to hearing the donkey sing.

" Yeah, I'm driving, so I'm in charge of the music." Witch #2 told the other witch before she took the instrument of torture and gave the donkey another lash which made Kobe jump back a bit.

" Will you witches make up your mind?" Donkey asked the witches in annoyance before they responded with another lash. The mule started to sing again. The second witch grinned and apparently liking the song as she nudged her partner, who also liked the song. They even started to sing along with Donkey much to Kobe's annoyance.

" Great, now I have a donkey and two witches making my ears bleed with their singing! Can my life get any worse?" Kobe thought to herself in annoyance and frustration as she covered her ears once again.

" Donkey? What's going on? Where's Fiona?" Shrek asked the fuzzy mule before Kobe turned around to hear the two talking.

" Quiet, ogre! You're gonna get me in trouble and I need this job. I am not going back to work for Old MacDonald. Tell me to E-I-E-I-O. ' E-I-E-I-No!' That's what I said." Donkey quietly spoke to the ogre before Kobe nudged Shrek on the shoulder.

" Okay big and tall, you still haven't answered my question. Who is Fiona?" Kobe asked Shrek as she was demanding an answer and Donkey heard her voice.

" Who's in there with you?" Donkey asked Shrek who turned around back at the fuzzy mule.

" Donkey, this is my former pet cat Kobe and you know that." Shrek quietly told the donkey as Kobe immediately looked up at the ogre with wide eyes.

" Dude, I told you before that I'm not your pet or former pet. I don't know who Fiona is and I sure as hell do not know who this mule is!!" Kobe loud whisper yelled while pointing at Donkey as she obviously didn't remember Shrek, Fiona or Donkey.

" Yeah, ogre I don't know what you're talking about." Donkey quietly whispered agreeing with the female cat since they both didn't know each other in this universe anyway.

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