Chapter 23

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After explaining what happened, Donkey and Puss looked at him all shocked but Kobe wasn't surprised since Shrek told her why he signed the contract.

" Well, I don't what to say to you. I might be one who listens but I'm not one to give advice. Sorry." Kobe said to the ogre gently. Shrek looked like he was about to cry but then he felt something and heard tiny shouting.

He looked down and saw Gingy hitting and attacking his feet with his lollipop and Gingy yelled " Ha! Chah! Surrender now! I'm taking you in!"

" You must be joking. How is Shrek supposed to surrender to a small gingerbread man?" Kobe thought to herself while rolling her eyes at the same time. Shrek wasn't affected by this at all. He just stood there with a dry look as Gingy kept attacking and shouting.

" Don't try to fight it, ogre! The reward is mine!" Gingy yelled out.

" Gingy?" Shrek questioned as he picked up the gingerbread man up and he yelled out " You unhand me, green devil!"

" What are you doing?" Shrek asked the little gingerbread man.

" Collecting my bounty!" Gingy told the ogre.

" Bounty?" and Puss questioned.

" What are you talking about, cracker?" Donkey asked Gingy.

" He's a cookie." Kobe reminded the donkey.

" Rumpelstiltskin promised the deal of a lifetime for whoever could bring you in." Gingy told Shrek.

" Deal of a lifetime?" Shrek questioned.

" Where all your wishes come true." Gingy said looking down sadly. The ogre pondered this for a bit and said " Wait a minute." He then grinned and said " I can still fix this!" Which surprised the female cat and donkey.

" Now, how you gonna do that?" Donkey asked Shrek who set Gingy down and said " You know what? I'm gonna give Rumpelstiltskin exactly what he wants." He turned to the Gingerbread's direction and said " Okay, Gingy, tell me about this..."

But to his surprise, there were only crumbs and a gumdrop button on ground. They all looked and saw Puss eating something and turned out he ate Gingy. The cat noticed the ogre looking at him and gave a sheepish look, asking " Were you going to eat that?"

" He was going to give us information about the 'Deal of a lifetime' you imbecile!" Kobe snapped at Puss since he ate the only thing that could tell them about Rumpelstiltskin's plan.

" You know what, nevermind. Let's just go to the castle." Kobe told her male friends before they headed off to the Far Far Away castle.

When they reached the castle, Shrek told his friends " I'm gonna go in the castle." before he started walking into the castle.

" Be careful in there!" Kobe called out to the ogre and he called back " I will."

(Time skip)
The two cats and donkey were waiting for a while before all ogres of the resistance magically appeared, one by one and dropped from the sky. Donkey and Kobe saw Gretched falling towards where Puss was so she used her teeth to pull the cat out of the way.

" The ogres. They are all free." Puss said as Donkey and Kobe noticed that not ALL of them were free and Donkey asked " But where is Shrek?"

They all went up to the gates, knowing that Shrek was still inside the castle.

" Oh no." Kobe muttered under her breath as she was shocked that Rumpelstiltskin has captured Shrek.

" This is not good." Puss said in worry.

" For goodness sakes, we've gotta do something to help them!" Kobe told everyone.

" You're right Kobe. I'm going in." Donkey volunteered before he was about to run inside the palace to save Shrek but Gretched grabbed him by the tail and held him back.

" Let go of me! I have got to save Shrek!" Donkey told the big female ogre as he was determined to go save Shrek.

" Don't be a fool, mule!" Gretched told the donkey.

" She's right. Rumpel's palace is locked up tighter than Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard." Brogan chimed in.

" And that cupboard wasn't guarded by a whole bunch of mean, ugly, nasty witches." Cookie chimed in as well.

Above them were two witches guarding the palace and they heard them so one of them yelled " Hey! We can hear you!"

" Sorry!" Brogan called out before the ogres, Donkey, Kobe and Puss huddled and Puss whispered " We must get into that palace."

" Man, Shrek, Kobe and me just busted out of that place!" Donkey whispered to him.

" It's Shrek, Kobe and I for #1. And #2, you have a good point Donkey, we did bust out of there earlier." Kobe whispered back.

" But how?" Brogan questioned. Donkey than saw a shield, and it gave him an idea and he said " The same way we're gonna bust in."

The group huddled in closed together with the two palace guard witches and wondered what they were talking about. A while later, Rumpelstiltskin had his speech wig back on but it was untied and walked back in the throne room, as a witch was hoisting up what appeared to be a new big decorative ball like the one from earlier.

" Yay! My new pretty ball!" Rumpelstiltskin exclaimed with excitement as he was happy to see an new ball. He noticed that something about this ball was different than the previous one and said " Didn't it look bigger than the catalogue? I guess it'll have to do."

One of the witches got it up, some other witches poured magic glowing dust in their cauldrons, causing bright, glowing, blue and pink lights to appear.

They pointed their cauldrons like spotslights at the big ball, which began reflecting the bright colorful lights off like a disco ball.

" Witches, finally, the moment we've been waiting for. The main event of the evening!" Rumpelstiltskin happily announced. The floors under him began shifting and it revealed to be Shrek and Fiona bound in shackles and chained to the walls, with a spotlight shining on them.

" I present Shrek and Fiona!" Rumpelstiltskin announced as the prisoners looked up, both glaring at him and the horde of witches up above. All the witches down at them, and then booed and jeered at the ogres.

" And now, to put the past behind us once and for all, I give you a princess's worst nightmare! Fiona's old flame, the keeper of the keep..." Rumpelstiltskin continued speaking while Shrek and Fiona saw a gate of in the dungeon opening up and a familiar red dragon stormed in.

" Dragon!" Rumpelstiltskin finished announcing. This wasn't good at all.

Shrek Forever After (Aranea2020 Version) AKA Story continuation!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt