Chapter 5

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As Kobe and Max were trying to help Shrek calm his kids down, the father of Butterpants was forcing Shrek to roar.

" Hey everybody, gather around. Shrek's gonna do his famous Shrek roar!" Donkey announced as the Dronkeys gathered around their dad, excited for uncle Shrek's roar.

" Not now Donkey." Shrek told his best friend before turning to the pigs asking " Pigs, are there any cupcakes?"

" We ate them too." The pig named Dieter confessed.

" You've got to be kidding me!" Kobe exclaimed angrily as she and Max facepalmed at the fact that the pigs ate the cupcakes as well.

" Zhey have lollipops." Heimlich told them.

" No, I ate them." The pig named Horst confessed which caused his brother Dieter to flip out.

" What you didn't share?" Dieter asked Horst in anger.

" Well, you didn't share the croissants!" Horst fired back at his brother as he frowned. Shrek's babies cried some more. This wasn't looking good at all for Shrek.

" Shrek, what's going on?" Fiona asked when she came and took her kids, holding them.

" Come on, Shrek! Your fans are waiting." Donkey pressured the ogre along with Butterpants saying " Do the roar." As he was hugging Donkey. Kobe and Max saw how furious Shrek was getting and they knew it wasn't gonna end well. Pinocchio ran around Shrek, Kobe and Max singing and shouting indistinctly. Wolf blew another balloon until it popped. Then everyone all spoke or made noises at once. All of this pressure and tension going on today was taking a toll on Shrek enough. Kobe and Max saw how Shrek was losing his patience trying his best to fight it.

The crowd was complaining and chanting about how much they wanted the cake so badly. Shrek couldn't hold it any longer. As Kobe and Max saw that Shrek was about to roar, they covered their ears before the ogre let out an enormous, furious roar that nearly blew everyone away, even Butterpants' hat was blown off.

Once Shrek was done, Kobe and Max uncovered their ears as Shrek panted and everyone else was left stunned and silent for a bit until they all cheered.

" Well Donkey and Butterpants finally got what they wanted." Kobe thought to herself as she rolled her eyes at the cheering.

" I love you daddy." Butterpants said to his father as he hugged him. Wolf then slapped a party hat onto Shrek's head, to his annoyance.

" Everybody, I have found..." Puss said before he lifted his cape to reveal another cake decorated like the last one before he finished with " Another cake!"

" Thank god!" Kobe said as she along with Max and Veronica a breathed a sigh of relief before Kobe's attention went back to Shrek looking angry.

Everyone, minus Fiona, Kobe, Max and Veronica started chanting Shrek's name as Shrek stared angrily at the cake, fuming. The four of them noticed the look on Shrek's face as he handed Felicia to her mother.

" Shrek? Are you okay?" Fiona asked her husband who continued glaring at the adorable ogre picture on the cake, feeling like it mocked him. Kobe was shocked as she saw that Shrek was gonna slam the cake.

" SHREK, NOOO!" Kobe shouted but it was already too late as Shrek slammed his big fist into the cake's center which caused the crumbs to fly and land on Kobe's and Veronica's new outfits, making everyone gasp in shock. He gave a very angry stare at everybody especially Kobe, Max and Fiona who were more stunned than anyone else.

After that, he stormed out of the diner in anger. Everyone else just stood there, stunned while Gingy stood there as his frosting chaps fell off. Veronica looked at her dress disgusted by all the crumbs all over it. Fiona went to follow her pissed off husband out the door. Georgie came back outside to the party with Amy in his arms all confused.

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