Chapter 22

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After falling down into the water, the five managed to reach dry land and recovered from the crash and splash.

Shrek tried to fit one of the bracelets back on one of his wrists, and it did because it didn't rust when hitting the water. Fiona just sighed in annoyance.

Kobe and Donkey were licking themselves clean while Puss on the other hand was trying to lick himself clean but due to his ball-like girth, he could not reach his back half. He turned to Kobe who finished cleaning herself and asked " Kobe, can I borrow your tongue?"

" Sure. No problem." Kobe volunteered before she walked closer and asked " What part of your body do you want me to clean?"

" Back half." Puss told her and she licked his back half as she was trying to clean him. Donkey stuck out his tongue in disgust and exclaimed " Ugh! Y'all are nasty!" The female cat rolled her eyes in annoyance as she knew it was gross but she had to help her male cat friend. As Kobe was finished cleaning Puss, she exhaled before she went to the water they fell in and spat out a hairball into the ocean.

" Sorry." Kobe wheezed out with a nervous smile before she went back to the others. She sat down next to Puss and sighed saying " Max would've been lost in the water if he was still alive."

" Who's Max?" Puss asked the female cat and she responded " My best friend. He died one year ago but I can't talk about it." Puss understood.

" Stop!" Shrek exclaimed to Fiona as he saw her heading up the path to a bridge and holding a lantern, with Shrek following.

" Where are you going?" Shrek asked the female ogre.

" To save my friends." Fiona told him.

" How? By getting yourself killed?" Shrek questioned with worry.

" If that's what it takes." Fiona responded.

" Puss, say something." Shrek told the orange male cat which made Kobe look at him with wide eyes. Fiona turned around and said " Puss?"

" Let me explain." Puss stammered as Kobe looked at Fiona with wide eyes.

" So that's how you knew so much about me." Fiona said to Shrek obviously believing that Puss was the one who told Shrek about her life. She continued to storm away and cross the bridge.

Shrek hopped onto the bridge and said " Fiona. Kiss me." Which made Kobe feel nauseous as she knew Fiona saw Shrek as a weirdo and a creep.

" What?" Fiona questioned the male ogre with a weirded out expression on her face.

" It's the only way to save your friends." Shrek assured her.

" I don't know if it'll work because Fiona doesn't seem to love him." Kobe thought to herself. Fiona shoved Shrek and said " Get out of my way."

" You used to believe that a single kiss could solve everything." Shrek said to her which made Kobe watch with a surprised expression on her face.

The female ogre stopped in her tracks and turned since she thought he would not be able to take a hint any other way. So she went up towards him, grabbed and gave him a kiss. The night background changed to a glowing yellow background and for a minute it seemed like everything was back to normal but it wasn't. When the kiss ended, Shrek opened his eyes and saw that everything about the alternate world was all as it was, including Fiona who was frowning bitterly as she wiped her lip. Even Donkey and Puss were puzzled that everything was still the same but Kobe wasn't too surprised by this.

" I don't understand. This doesn't make any sense. True love's kiss was supposed to fix everything!" Shrek said in confusion.

" Yeah, you know, that's what they told me too. True love didn't get me out of that tower, I did. I saved myself. Don't you get it? It's all just a big fairy tale." Fiona said in anger which made Kobe look at Puss and Donkey surprised before she looked back at Shrek and Fiona.

" Fiona, don't say that. It does exist!" Shrek tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen.

" How would you know? Did you grow up locked away in a dragon's keep? Did you live alone in a miserable tower? Did you cry yourself to sleep, every night, waiting for a true love that never came?!" Fiona questioned the male ogre in anger and frustration. Hearing this, Kobe looked at her with tears in her eyes as she sort of went through the same pain of being locked away somewhere but unlike Fiona, she was physically bullied.

" But... but I'M your true love." Shrek tried to reassure her but Fiona just responded with a question " Then where were you when I needed you?"

She then picked up her lantern and left the four alone on the bridge to rescue her friends herself. Shrek just stood there, completely heartbroken as he knew that all of his chances of ever getting a kiss from Fiona and saving his own life was gone.

" Wow, she really has been through a lot. Sounds like a little similar to what I had to go through." Kobe thought to herself sadly a she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

" Maybe you kissed her wrong?" Donkey stupidly questioned before Kobe looked at him like ' Really now?"

" No. The kiss didn't work... because Fiona doesn't love me." Shrek responded sadly. Feeling bad, Kobe walked up to the sad ogre and said " I'm sorry Shrek. I know you tried really hard." She held his leg again and she purred while trying to comfort him.

" It's not your fault. All I want is my friends and family again." Shrek told her sadly. All of a sudden, an angry mob of citizens with torches coming in their direction so they hid a brick wall and the mob ran passed it. If the mob stayed a little longer, they would've seen the ogre, two cats and donkey come out of hiding.

" It seems that we are safe." Puss said.

" Well for now." Kobe responded.

" Yeah, it looks a lot less pitchforky and torchy out there. Let's go." Donkey said.

" What's the point? The kiss didn't work. It's over." Shrek said as he was giving up.

" Look, Shrek, I know things might seem a little bleak right now, but things always work themselves out in the end, you'll see." Donkey assured Shrek but the ogre slapped him in the forehead which made Kobe jump a bit.

" I bet by this time tomorrow..." Donkey reassured the ogre.

" You're not getting it, are you?" Kobe said to the donkey in a stubborn voice.

Shrek couldn't hold it in any longer so he finally started to shout " Don't you understand?! There's no tomorrow! There's no day after that and there's no day after THAT day after that! My life was perfect and I'm never going to get it back!"

" If your life was so perfect, why'd you sign it away to Rumpelstiltskin in the first place?" Donkey asked the ogre.

" Because I didn't know what I had until it was gone! All right?" Shrek sighed and said " I didn't know what I had."

Shrek Forever After (Aranea2020 Version) AKA Story continuation!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt